Old Roland RD700 vs. New Yamaha CP33?

Sep 17, 2012
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I can get a brand new CP33 for about the same price as an 11-year old RD-700. I'm sure the RD-700 is a high quality keyboard, but I'm just wondering about 11-year old technology compared to what I can get brand new in a lower model like the CP33. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
Apr 4, 2012
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The cp33 was released 5/2006 so it isn't new technology either. I think you need to figure out what features and sounds you are looking for so that you can do a fair evaluation. Basing your decision on 11 year old technology vs. 6 1/2 year technology probably isn't the best decision point. What made you conclude that these two keyboards were your 'finalists'? How much money are you willing to spend? Depending on your price point there may be better choices.
Sep 17, 2012
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I have done some research a few months back. Basically, I have a very cheap keyboard at home, and a Yamaha upright piano, and I'd like to own a nice portable keyboard. I have been playing in a few praise bands in recent years, and the most recent one had a Roland RD-300NX that I enjoyed playing. They also had a more recent Yamaha (don't recall the model), and they liked the flexibility that this particular one had (pretty high end). I am more interested in one that has good piano representation, with nice settings for pads, strings, voice, primarily. I don't anticipate playing all kinds of instrument sounds with it. I would say my price point is around $1000. A few other models I've seen as possibilities are the Kurzweil SP4-7 and Roland FP-4, but I am open to any suggestions from others.
Apr 4, 2012
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I'm partial to Kurzweil because I just purchased a PC3 a little more than a year ago. The acoustic piano is a source of debate. Some love it; some don't. It is Steinway-based so it is not nearly as bright as a Yamaha nor a Roland. You should listen to the audio of the acoustic piano here to ensure it is acceptable to you.


If you think the acoustic piano sounds good then the sp4-7 would be a good choice. I think the pianos sound more like a real recorded grand piano than the Yamaha and the Roland's do. The Yamaha and the Roland are unrealistically bright. Just my opinion. Yamaha is certainly more popular. I equate it to this analogy: Andersen makes the most popular household windows but they aren't the best windows available from a quality perspective yet they seem to be everyone's first choice. If I use a grand piano as a reference point I feel as though the Kurzweil more accurately depicts that tone than either Yamaha or Roland. Again, my two cents and probably not the popular opinion.
Sep 17, 2012
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Thank you for taking the time to reply. I do like the way the SP4-7 sounds. So...any thoughts back on the 11-year old Roland? If it can be bought for $200 or so less than the SP4-7, does that make it any more enticing? Or, even though it was a very nice keyboard in 2001, is it now just comparable to something like the SP4-7 but no better? Thanks again...
Apr 4, 2012
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Personally, for $200 I would go with the more up to date technology. The SP4 is much newer technology and it will come with a warranty. In the event of a repair needed on the Roland, there goes your $200 advantage. At least for the 1st year you're protected with a warranty on the Kurzweil. I believe the RD700 weighs about 53 pounds while the SP4 weighs 24 pounds, so if weight is a consideration then there is another advantage. The electric pianos (Rhodes, Wurli's) on the Kurzweil are also quite good and Kurzweil orchestral sounds are considered world-class. Also, I consider Kurzweil technical support to be world-class as well. At the end of the day the choice has to be your choice.
Sep 17, 2012
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That was my feeling as well. And I did notice the weight difference yesterday...it makes it much more portable. Thanks for your feedback on all of this. I may post in the future on how to "use" the keyboard I buy...look forward to chatting again sometime! The SP4 is probably where I'll go...

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