While im not keen on buying from Ali Express, the SX900 keyboard is an excellent keyboard to get! It even has some of the sounds of the Genos 1 keyboard in it. The sounds will virtually blow you away, especially if you're coming through a professional sound board. An FYI, Yamaha is discontinuing this board. That usually means an upgrade. I would wait for the upgrade and if the new features are worth the price, invest. if not or you don't want or need them, get the SX900... but not from Ali Express!
Sorry to nitpick, *but* the sx900 has *none* of the non-drum voices added going from T5 to G1, because the sx900 is actually a T5 with all the S.Art 2 removed,but with G1 live drums and live versions of the G1 revo drums added. (the previous s970? actually a T4 with all the S.Art2 sounds removed, as well as all the new choir voices removed *except* for the Ooh/Aah variations, but with all the T5 drums added). See where I'm going with this? All it took was one person to call an sx900 a baby Genos, and it seemed like nobody looked under the hood.... the actual sound library from the sx900, other than the G1 drums, is 100% of the T5 minus S.Art 2 (first time that's actually happened in a while; the s970 lost a *lot* of T4 sounds, and the s950 not only lost all the S.Art 2 sounds from the T3, but actually stored the samples in *monaural* rather than stereo for all the new T2 and T3 sounds like Big Band Brass (shake). Don't believe me? go listen to "BigBandBrass" on s950, there's no separate trumpet shake on the left and right side; now try it on T3, T4, T5, G1, and you can you *hear* separate trumpets shaking, *not in phase*, in stereo. Why not G2? Because they accidentally applied a monaural eq to the same voice; the actual voice *is* in stereo, you just need to turn off the mono eq (why, Yamaha, why?)
Which is why I'm excited to see how many of the then new non-Sart2 sounds for G1 make it onto sx920 (Resonator Guitar? Kino Strings?) as well as how many drum kits arrive intact from G2 and how many kits arrive in live (non revo) form. I assume sx920 will have Revo kits, but they might still go down to a stripped down Live version.
Anyway, re: Ali Express? Do you really think someone can offer you a new sx900 for less than half the price of new? As correctly stated by BouncingGore: good luck getting any warranty/product support.
DX7, CLP300, PSR60, Roland E20 + MT32, CVP309, PSRS970, Fender Std Strat, Squier RB3 Midi Strat, Ibanez SA262, Yamaha CG131, Fujiyama FC390, TUC-Kitty