Out of interest are any of you , apart from Grandad 1946 using Windows 11 ?
I have several pcs' around the place from Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10. I use various softwares on them, but NEVER allow any connection to the internet except on the Windows 10 pro Dell laptop which is my day to day machine.
After Microsoft's complete disaster in trying to get everyone to upgrade to Windows 11 which in many cases would have involved the replacement of huge numbers of computers due to hardware and software incompatibility issues which THEY imposed, like TPM 2, many companies voted with their feet and said NO !
Personally, I don't need or want Windows 11. Neither am I prepared to fork out for new computers just because Microsoft have produced software that won't run on my perfectly adequate and well running computers .
It's all about spreading doom, gloom and fear with Microsoft....If you don't upgrade, you'll be vulnerable, or get hacked or you'll need endless, interminable upgrades that invariably take hours to download with shit you don't want in the first place.
Like Ray says. I too can do all I want from my tablets and phones these days.
So bluntly Microsoft......Get stuffed !