Canadians Ranked Best People In The World...


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Sorry Australia. You came in second. :)


Ipsos conducts the NBI annually. This year, researchers interviewed more than 20,000 people from 20 countries around the world. The survey looks at six categories: people, governance, culture, tourism, exports and immigration.

Canada ranked first in three of those categories — people, governance and immigration/investment.

“This year, Canada’s reputational strengths are on the People and Governance categories – driven by positive opinion about the welcoming nature of Canada’s people and the competence and honesty of its government,” Simon Anholt, one of the survey’s authors, wrote.

So yes, this gives you full permission to say Canada has the best people in the world. For the record, Australia and Italy ranked second and third when it came to people.


Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Yes, but only in two categories.

Overall Canada came third, behind us here in the UK who in turn lagged Germany.

I got bored looking down the list looking for the USA which does not seem to be as Great as your Leader says it is.

Talking about the USA we have an artist called Anthony Gormley who is a bit eccentric to say the least and a TV series of his travels in the States is fascinating. He has been looking at different pools of people there, their support for the candidates and the anger they show towards the opposition.

Last episode he summed up that Trump had played to the emotional needs of elements of the populace and that in turn lead to his election.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
THREE categories. People, Government and Immigration. I could give a rat's ass about culture, tourism and exports.

Our culture is is fluid and evolving, not static and navel gazing and fixated upon the past. Tourists are just annoying and we're all better off without them. And our exports were just fine until the bottom of the oil market fell out.

The two that matter most, honest people and honest government are all we really need.

As for the Gormley documentary, he's not telling us anything we don't already know and Borat did a much better job of it :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Fake News from Huff Post...... Never :cool:

Certainly almost every free voting Country has a better system than the deeply flawed Electoral College system in the USA where 7 key battleground states hold the key to who will be elected.

Here in the UK we have 650 Members of Parliament with each representing c73k citizens who are eligible to vote. Based on total numbers of voters each of our Governments for many many years has been from a minority of voters, so even our system is flawed. Our MPs are pretty cr4p, and we have Boris the Buffon as our PM, a guy only a limited number of people voted for as leader of the Political Party and hence the one who would be PM.

As I qualify for Canadian Citizenship I shall have to consider applying to become a Canadian Citizen and move there, my relations in Oz are pi55ed with the takeover of so much of the Country by Chinese money and the rampant immigration of refugees who they say are only economic migrants and not those fleeing in fear of their lives.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Don't get me wrong, but if you are opposed to immigration I should point out that of the 6 Million or so residents of the Greater Toronto Area, about 50% were never born in Canada.

This is how we scored top marks in that category.

While some may have brought crime along with them, how is that any different from the earlier migrations of Irish, Italian, Russian, Greek, and even British thugs along with earlier diasporas.

Canada's commitment to multiculturalism is reknown world wide and we consider our welcome mat for refugees one of our strongest assets.

You might want to "stay with your own kind" if you are so inclined :D :D :D

And I seriously fail to understand why you keep trying to trash the USA in this thread. They are barely mentioned in the article.

Please don't tell me you've never had a neighbour who was going thru a rough patch.

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
I expressed the views of my family regarding immigration and not my own views. They are Australian by birth and do not like the direction the Country is going in with regard to ownership and immigration.

The Government comments relate to the flaws that exist in the systems,

The UK’s activities against other Countries for hundreds of years is nothing to be proud of with exploitation, slavery, invasion and subjugation being at the fore. We even had forced transported our undesirables first to the north American Colonies and then to Australia.

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