Hi guys been awhile, but ive been a bit busy and also been learning to use my new gear
I sold my Mu2000 and Korg rack and got a Yamaha MX61 (yes somthing that actually has keys!
) feels good to actually have some input into some of the midi sequences, nothing fancy but am able to figure out chords and clean things up with quantizing. the MX61 came with Cubase, but im still running a XP pc for XGworks, and neeed a beefier PC with win 7 now to use Cubase! :/ in the mean time i have to manually select voices on the MX61, time consuming but works for now. I did a re-voice and remix of Chrystas Dream couple weeks ago with the MX61and layered in some pads with my own little fingers hehe didnt know if it was worth posting but what the heck
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