In addition to regular songs, I will undertake a unique challenge. For each keyboard I own, I aim to create a tune, typically a straightforward one, using every rhythm available on that keyboard along with the corresponding One Touch Setting (OTS). OTS is one or more instruments that complement the style well, and I will consistently use that instrument. On keyboards that offer up to four OTS options, I will select the one I prefer the most.
The tunes will generally be simple to minimize the need for extensive practice. With 200-300 rhythms on a keyboard, my goal is to craft a tune for each one, necessitating simplicity. I'm not certain if my creativity will suffice, but I intend to produce all original compositions. I will provide a free MP3 download on my website for each track I create.
I will try to add three tracks a day to this section.
001 Electropop (Pops/Rock/Dance)
001 Slow BigBand
001 Bossa Nova
Visit my website for free mp3 download:
The tunes will generally be simple to minimize the need for extensive practice. With 200-300 rhythms on a keyboard, my goal is to craft a tune for each one, necessitating simplicity. I'm not certain if my creativity will suffice, but I intend to produce all original compositions. I will provide a free MP3 download on my website for each track I create.
I will try to add three tracks a day to this section.
001 Electropop (Pops/Rock/Dance)
001 Slow BigBand
001 Bossa Nova
Visit my website for free mp3 download:
Jimmy Eyckmans Music Room
I enjoy creating songs and chord progressions using arranger keyboards. You can discover a variety of songs I've composed with different keyboards in the songs section. The chord section features chord progressions tailored for various keyboard rhythms. Additionally, I will provide a free mp3...