[Compo] "Synthesis"


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Hello Romain...

First of all I must say that I do not question your playing style or technique at all. It is first rate.

However, all the pieces you have released this summer suffer from the same fundamental flaw.

They lack any sort of traditional structure of verses or stanzas or melody and tend to run on as a sort of musical stream of consciousness.

While this may be a desirable effect in some new age meditation tunes if it continues on for too long and too many times in a row the only thing it ends up becoming is a musical soporific and at worst, annoying.

While I applaud your devotion to a genre it is time to begin adhering to the techniques which have made popular music popular in the past 100 years.

Try broadening your horizons a bit. Try some blues or middle eastern scales. Try composing a gypsy tune for a change. Try country and western. Explore other popular styles and learn what makes them attractive to the listener.

In the end you will become a better player/composer for the effort.

Au Bientot!

Gary :)
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hello Gary.

First of all, I am well conscious to have a style which is mine: and I am rather proud of it.

Those who listen to me for a long time tell me first of all that I composition are very different some of the others.

I think of having a rather complete musical culture, and I make my choice which are not necessarily the ones of others.

That my compositions do not please is not a problem for me; it already means that they question.

By reading to you, I have one little the impression to have BigTeacher who makes me the lesson... I am 60 years old, begun the music in 10 years old and I well intend to continue to make what I'm doing, as I make it !!!(and like it)

Regards ;)
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