Connecting electro 6 to stage 2 with midi

Nov 4, 2021
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So I am looking for a shortcut. I have an electro 6 and a stage 2 and want to connect them with one cable and possibly share the sustain pedal and control pedal. Can I connect my electro with a midi cable to my stage 2 and still get individual function and not be an external keyboard? Does this make sense?
Jun 25, 2010
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Do you want to play Electro 6 sounds from your Stage 2? Or do you want to play Stage 2 sounds from your Electro? Or do you just want the two boards to share use of the pedals and nothing else?
Nov 4, 2021
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The latter. Sharing the Pedals only, if possible. I don't see the problem just playing the electro sounds from the electro itself, although I am brand new to this whole thing. I'm coming from 30 years of Korg usage so the Nord world is a new one for me. :D Also, this would free up using more patch cables and more running wires that could build up static and feedback.
Apr 4, 2012
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So I am looking for a shortcut. I have an electro 6 and a stage 2 and want to connect them with one cable and possibly share the sustain pedal and control pedal. Can I connect my electro with a midi cable to my stage 2 and still get individual function and not be an external keyboard? Does this make sense?

If you want the sustain pedal to ALWAYS control both units at the same time then purchase a cable splitter (splitter example).

If you want to have the sustain individually control either instrument i.e. not always at the same time, consider a dual sustain pedal like this dual sustain where one plug goes to the Stage and the other plug goes to the E6. Then use the left pedal to control one and the right to control the other. If you own a dual manual sustain already but it doesn't have two TS male output plugs (i.e. it has one TRS male plug) simply purchase this adapter (adapter).

If you want the expression pedal to ALWAYS control both units at the same time then purchase a different cable splitter this and this and connect to the keyboards using individual TRS cables to both units.

I cannot think of a solution for independent expression pedal control (if you wanted to only impact one of the two keyboards) other than to use two expression pedals.

None of the above requires MIDI as the solution.
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2021
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Thank you for your time here and helping me understand this. I guess I'm better off just rigging them with separate pedals and perhaps running [audio out] on the electro 6 into [audio in] on the stage 2, then just running one set of stereo cables out to my amplifier source. One more question, if I may, as I thought of this today. I also own a Korg Krome 61 and use the sequencer. Is it possible to use the keybed of the Nord stage 2 into the Korg Krome so I may use the weighted keys to play piano solos on the Korg to use the sequencer to record them? I am currently looking for an 88 key version of the Krome so I can record piano solos on the sequencer as the 61 key keybed is not weighted and messes up the dynamics. If I can do this, I will not need the 88 key version. If you answer this, thank you!

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