Thank you for your time here and helping me understand this. I guess I'm better off just rigging them with separate pedals and perhaps running [audio out] on the electro 6 into [audio in] on the stage 2, then just running one set of stereo cables out to my amplifier source. One more question, if I may, as I thought of this today. I also own a Korg Krome 61 and use the sequencer. Is it possible to use the keybed of the Nord stage 2 into the Korg Krome so I may use the weighted keys to play piano solos on the Korg to use the sequencer to record them? I am currently looking for an 88 key version of the Krome so I can record piano solos on the sequencer as the 61 key keybed is not weighted and messes up the dynamics. If I can do this, I will not need the 88 key version. If you answer this, thank you!