Could use some help replicating patches for pop tunes on Roland VR-09 with Ctrlr.

Feb 16, 2020
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Hey all,

I'm a lifelong singer and novice keyboard player - I used to play guitar, but my fingers have developed issues with squeezing the neck, whereas I can bang on keys all day, so it became the right time to pick up a new instrument.

In order to properly motivate myself, I'm teaching myself parts for the songs my band does - mostly it's just a lot of simple repeated patterns, like Pink Floyd's "Money" for instance - it's literally just three chords on a "60s EP" patch and a wah pedal, with a good sense of timing.

Where I'm consistently stumbling is when I try to duplicate a sound from a tune which relies on the synth's patch to set the atmosphere. Current example would be "Human Race" by Red Rider, an early 80s Canadian pop hit (
). That reedy, droney pad the key player is laying down is crucial to the song, it seems to me, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding something close.

My rig at the moment is a Roland VR-09, poor boy's Nord Electro. It's actually a pretty great little unit for all its limitations, particularly since there's free software (Ctrlr) which opens up the guts of the sound engine: by default you get two sounds you can either layer or split. However, with the software, you can actually layer 4+3 patches, either all 7 at once or split in two zones, so there's room for quite a lot of texture there. It offers extremely granular synth control on four of those voices, and some very good sampled sounds elsewhere. And highly serviceable organs.

As such, I've found that I've been able to pretty closely match most of the synthy tunes we've put our hands to, though there's been some which work better than others - I Ran So Far Away, for instance, I've got a basic "fat bass" which is not nearly as harmonically active as the original, but I did create quite a lovely "ice castle" organ for the heavenly bits. I'm floating in the beam of light already.

I've been hoping to connect with some seasoned players who are good at listening to a patch and going, "Yah, take one square and one saw wave, detune them a bit, with a pretty resonant filter" or some such, or even better, some people who use the same rig to maybe share some patches round, like they do on the Nord Forum. Just cause we can't afford a $5k rig doesn't mean we shouldn't have a user community, seems to me, but I have yet to locate it.

Anyways, Human Race sounds to me like a couple of square waves layered, but there's more going on than that and I'm having trouble getting the atmosphere out of it that the original's got. Any advice would be amazing. If this works, I might have more such puzzles. :>
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
As a general bit of advice for this sort of work - It's helpful not to try to build patches from scratch, purely from an efficiency point of view.

I play in an 80's cover band and am constantly faced with challenges such as the one you've described. My method is to search around the existing patches on my keyboard and then season to taste. For most cover acts one doesn't need to get it 100% correct, but close enough so the audience has the illusion they're hearing the original track.

I suspect you're closer to your Human Race sounds than you think, BUT...

...don't forget your on-board effects can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. For example, I also do "I Ran", and for that droney bass that goes throughout the song, if you add a little bit of phaser and chorus it can take a pretty basic synth bass sound and make it epic.

With this in mind, that sound you're trying to get sounds slightly detuned and loaded with reverb. Reckon your guitar player will need a chorus pedal too.
Feb 16, 2020
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Hey, thanks for the quick response!

The guitarist is pretty good at getting his tone right. It's actually the best band I've been involved with in terms of everyone bringing good energy to the table and taking their parts just seriously enough, without turning it all into a dreary bore. The humorous bit is I've never used a wah pedal with guitar (always stuck mostly to rhythm), so I actually need to acquire one now, for Money.

One major drawback of this keyboard is that the onboard effects apply to everything under most circumstances, so I tend to ignore them in favour of trying to get the sound first with the filters and LFOs, or by adding another layered patch or two. I'm going to invest in something better (probably a Stage 3) once I've established over a year or two that this is something I'm gonna keep doing, but I feel like working within these minor limitations is a good thing for me right now, considering that once upon a time Stevie Wonder needed to hire two furry dudes to patch his modular gear, and then lose that patch forever once they finished the track...

I do agree with the idea of modifying from onboard sounds as the first and usually only practical road, and that's what I've mostly been doing, and I did find a reedy pad that comes somewhat close, but there's something they did on the track where it sounds like there's a few of those flutes going, like some sort of satyr chorus, taunting the song's protagonist with their haunting pipes. It's one of my favorite tunes from that time, so yes, I'm definitely being overly anal about it. If I could get a sense of that multitude of demon flutes, I'd be happier. :>

There's also another sound that comes in, you can hear it at the end of the chorus, it could almost be just the top couple of stops on an organ now that I'm listening again... anyways, it seems to float around up above everything sometimes.
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
One major drawback of this keyboard is that the onboard effects apply to everything under most circumstances, so I tend to ignore them in favour of trying to get the sound first with the filters and LFOs, or by adding another layered patch or two.
I don't disagree with you here, obviously you want to get the sounds as close as you can by manipulating each patch's sonic elements.

My point is that often what gives a lot of sounds their character can ONLY be achieved with effects. For example the one you're working on is quite swampy with reverb.
Feb 16, 2020
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Yah, it's not that I never touch them, but they're always the last thing to be resorted to, and if I'm splitting the keyboard (which is almost always) whatever I do is going to apply everywhere, so sometimes there's a tradeoff that needs to be negotiated.

I have a couple of other things I can press into service if necessary, a microkorg and a couple of Roland Boutique modules, so far I've only needed to add the Microkorg to do what I need but the others are there if necessary. Seriously considering an MS-101 to replace my Boutique SH-01A - the keyboard and full-size knobs are very attractive.
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
Biggles you are a gentleman. Unfortunately I have to let you know these guys are from the Czech Republic.

I do know of an Aussie band who do this song - here's a clip of them from a few years back, taken by a keen audience member with their smart phone:

Last edited:
Feb 16, 2020
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I do like the one using the right instrument a bit better. :>

That said, we don't have a sax player, so I'm toying with the idea of trying to do the sax solo on B3...

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