Covid injection.

Oct 9, 2017
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I looked into it a while back and the research for mRNA vaccine apparently started in the early mid 60s. So much for it being new. But nonetheless, there will always be those who are against it and it's their choice. Not the one I chose though. I go with the idea that it's better than a hard suffering death. I'm sad for those who can't get the vaccine even though they want it. Our government bunged it up at first by thinking that getting it from China was a good plan. Somehow though we muddled through. We're looking at opening up more soon too. Let's see what the Lambda varient has to say about that.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
Our media just reminded us that here in Melbourne, we enter our 200th day in lock down. Today we are told we will be lockdown for a further two weeks and possibe extension after that as the daily infections surge. We are running second to the UK as to the longest time in lockdown since Covid began albeit we did have some periods of reprieve.
Our current lockdown is very harsh. We have nightime curfew, daily 5km travel limit from home and limited supplies of vaccine available.

On the positive side . . My keyboard skills have increased immensely. Playing some complicated tunes (I usually struggle with) now fluently with minimal fluffs.
Playing arpeggios with simultaneous chord changes is a challenge for me.
My current achievements . . (as I pat myself on the back) :) Time is Tight and Phantom of the Opera .. both difficult an complex pieces. Both very different.

Everyday, my keyboard gets a thrashing and I love playing. I can thank isolation for that.



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Here in Ontario over 80% have been vaccinated at least once and 72% of the population has had a second shot. Politicos are already making noises about future booster shots and social distancing and mask regulations, while slightly relaxed are still in effect.

A Covid world is the new normal.

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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I really can't believe just how many of my friends are total anti-vaxers. The excuses are off the scale! like, "Bill Gates has put a chip in it." "You're more likely to die from the shot than Covid." " Covid is fake! It's a government plot to control us." "It will make me magnetic!" That one blows me away!
Here's the thing for me. reports are now saying that most of the hospitalizations are the unvaccinated. Go figure! My wife and I have had both of our shots! Now were just waiting for the 5G network to turn on so we become puppets of Bill Gates and the Government! YEEEEE HAAAAWW!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
No no NO!!! The vaccine tenderizes your meat for our reptilian overlords in the trilateral commission so they can digest our childrens' blood more easily. See the pizzagate papers for proof. :D :D :D :D :D

My best friend is an antivaxxer but he's always been a rebel without a clue.

Every single election he votes for the least likely party to win just so he can claim later on that he didn't vote for the idiots currently in office.

Federal election coming up here in 5 weeks.

Provincial election coming up next year.

Like Grandpa always said, "You can't fix stupid!!!!"

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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No no NO!!! The vaccine tenderizes your meat for our reptilian overlords in the trilateral commission so they can digest our childrens' blood more easily. See the pizzagate papers for proof. :D :D :D :D :D

My best friend is an antivaxxer but he's always been a rebel without a clue.

Every single election he votes for the least likely party to win just so he can claim later on that he didn't vote for the idiots currently in office.

Federal election coming up here in 5 weeks.

Provincial election coming up next year.

Like Grandpa always said, "You can't fix stupid!!!!"

Gary ;)
Nope. Butcha can shoot it!
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
We came across our first antivaxer the other day whilst walking the dog in our nearby wood.

I have met many people with IQ’s that can be counted in single digits in my life but never anyone who would be classified as brain dead whilst they were actually standing.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
My wife and I have a booking for second AZ jab 1st September.
Within our circle of friends (oldies) . . almost all are fully jabbed.
The young ones are on wait list since Australia has no vaccine for them. Government stuffed it up!
I think I can think of only one known acquaintance who is an antivaxer. Shame on him!
Dec 4, 2020
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California lockdown started March 18, 2020 and partly lifted June 15, 2021. Do the math. But just a hint it's more than 200 days.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
I just repeated what the media said.
Saying Melbourne was longest lockdown in the world Bar UK.
I thought that was BS. You guys in other countries are coping it bad too.
News reporters thrive on exaggeration. Makes me look stupid.
Oct 9, 2017
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My wife and I have both had our 2 shots for a month now. It's weird, I have a ton of friends who are hard core anti vaxers. I really don't get it. They keep espousing all kinds of BS like there's a chip in it, it's a scam, it's not real, etc. I'm pretty much at the point of just writing them off, Then there's also the thing that they all want to get together and party. Yeah, that'll happen. One keeps on saying "Don't trust authority". Like he's an expert. Not! Another claims it's man made! I said, does that matter?
My big question that I always fall back to and never get a reply is, "If you catch it, will you survive?"
The silence is deafening!


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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We had a police officer in our town who just died from COVID-19. He had apparently been exposed to it at some sort of training session which was attended by officers from two different local police departments-- our city's and a neighboring city's-- because several officers from both departments tested positive afterward.

From what the article in our local newspaper said, it sounded like this particular officer (and his wife, who also came down with COVID) must have been anti-vaxxers, because the article quoted the officer's brother as saying that he's changed his mind about getting the vaccine, and is now telling all of his friends to get vaccinated.

It amazes me how some of the people of this planet have managed to turn this global public health crisis into a political issue. [Edited to remove references to any political parties.]
Last edited:
Oct 9, 2017
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Sad but it's happening everywhere. An anti vaxer catches covid and realizes he was wrong. Up her in Canada, our lame brained Prime Minister has been using the covid crisis to push forward what he call s the "Great Reset". This is just more BS to push his political agenda through. Now he's gone and called an election which absolutely nobody in the entire country wants. He's hoping the people will see his "amazing" covid response and reward him with a majority. I hop he doesn't even get one vote. Would serve the self centered arrogant moron right. Great covid response? He first tried to get vaccine from China! All while 2 of our citizens are lock up illegally in a Chinese jail! After 5 months or so of waiting, China told him to piss off! So we had to get back in line with the rest of the world for vaccines. He just irritates the crap out of me. You were saying about the crisis being politicized? Yup. It is.
Stay safe!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
To be fair, Trudeau is calling the election mainly as a public referendum on whether or not to require vaccine documentation when you go back to work or attend public events or dining. There are constitutional issues of privacy and personal freedom to be considered and I don't blame him for seeking a clear mandate on the subject.

As for Spavor and Kovrig? The only damned reason those two are being held hostage is because we arrested Meng Wanzhou at the American's request and her extradition trial has been going on for years now.

If you wanna blame someone for the mess our relations with china are in right now look no further than the huge orange gasbag in Mara Lago.

And get ready for a major recession for the next two years as corporations slowly vacate china and set up production in other Pacific Rim countries.

That Jackass Trump single handedly destroyed the global economy in the past 4 years and it will take years more to recover.

Trudeau can only work with what he's been handed, which is a huge steaming pile of fake news from the last american administration. :p

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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Yup, but we should have never made the mistake of having all our manufacturing based in China in the first place.
I used to work for a company called Boxer Custom Cases. We built road cases for any use. We had a customer come in to have some of his Chinese made cases modified. He went on and on about how much he supported Canadian businesses. When I casually suggested that he have us build him his cases he replied. "Hell no! I can get them made in China for less than a quarter of the cost!."
So much for supporting Canadian business.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Way back in the Eighties as China started to expand in their Industrial Revolution it was all the rampant quick buck profit Countries and Companies who ran naked into China to help them develop and in turn make a quick buck themselves.

It did not take a Doctorate in Economics to identify that it would be a no win scenario for the rest of the World as the Chinese economy rapidly grew.

The Earth cannot continue to be raped and pillaged to fuel rampant Consumerism.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
You call Chinese manufacturing a mistake but it was actually the best thing to happen to consumers in the past 40 years.

I remember buying Wrangler jeans for $30 a pair back in 1970.

Thanks to Chinese labor the price went all the way down to $14.99 a pair at Walmart a decade ago.

Now we're coming back to that $30 number and prices continue to climb.

A TV set cost as much as a new car in the 60's and 70's.

Now you can buy a 52" screen for a few hundred bucks worth of chump change.

It was an evolutionary shift in our economy from industrial to a post industrial service economy which left a lot of Good ole Union boys scrambling to adapt.

Personally, I don't need to see a chemical plant or a semiconductor plant in my neighbourhood because all the NIMBYs didn't want industry in their back yard.

We've since moved on to an information based economy and the main complaint people have is that China not only adapted but also started beating us at our own game.

The truth is, manufacturing on a national scale will never return to North America the way it once was. Everyone in North America wants a job pushing buttons like George Jetson. Manufacturing will continue overseas in any sh*thole country that will have it. And we will continue to exploit their labor while constantly seeking cheaper alternatives.

BTW, have you forgotten all the crippling strikes of the 70's when the Teamsters, UAW, Pulp and Paper workers, OPSU and all the other unions held the public hostage on a weekly basis? I remember them well and to be honest I don't miss the biannual walkouts and wildcat strikes one little bit.

People who think they will magically get a high paying executive job by cutting out China are living in a dreamworld man.

Like I said, the economy is headed for a huge recession by Xmas this year, while corporations are struggling to find the cheapest possible alternatives.

Robots can only fill so many holes and can't do everything for us yet and may not ever be able to fill all jobs, but that doesn't leave any openings for humans anyway.

Gary ;)

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