DGX 670 - How to save settings as default so they are loaded at start

Jan 7, 2018
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I have problems finding out how to save my mixer settings. For example the reverb in the mixer window for Effects. I cannot alter the wet amount or the type of reverb and then save it so it is recalled upon start. Neither can I save the DSP Microphone settings. THe closest thing would be to save it all in the memory bank but in WHICH???? I would then have to save it in ALL my memory registrations. Just strange. But it seems I managed to save the REverb type at one point but now can't do it again. There is only a save function for the Compressor. I found some systempreset options in the menu but one better not touch those since it will erase everything and revert to the factory settings. Besides the info about this is non existing or really well hidden. I have taken the matter up several times but never found the solution.
Jun 29, 2019
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Lincoln UK
Not sure if you are talking about EFFECTS in style parts or EFFECTS in Right-Hand voices ?.

EQ can be saved as overall keyboard sound output, but not sure why you would want the same effect on every single voice as a default.
Regarding RH Voices I save a number of my favorites in Registration Banks saved with Style un-ticked.
This enables me to select any style to play with my favorite voices instead of OTS's.
Jan 7, 2018
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I forgot to say that we are talking about external, meaning the microphone and/or some external sound source. Not the panel. I wish to always use the same reverb at a certain wet amount.
In fact I used the registration memory and chose to only save MIC settings, but nothing is remembered upon reboot of he board.

It is set to a default value of 18 wet and with Medium Hall as the reverb type. Also it would be nice to be able to save some DSP effect as default instead of the Legacy Chorus 3 which is too robotic in my taste. An acquired taste as some say.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Speaking in very general terms, I don't think you can save settings so they'll be automatically loaded on startup, at least not the majority of settings. Only a very few settings, such as language preference, typically get saved and loaded automatically by a keyboard.

Many keyboard users will set up everything the way they want it to be on startup, then save those settings to a Registration which they can manually load immediately after startup. If the Registrations are stored in numeric order, they'll generally save their preferred "startup settings" to the lowest-numbered Registration. Or, if the Registrations are sorted and displayed in alphabetical order, they'll name it something which will be guaranteed to show up at the top of the list.
Jan 7, 2018
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Yes I agree and I already did that, the other day as written but to no avail. However when saving that registr menory i only checked the mic settings, since I can't imagine that those setting woyld pertain to any other cathegory of the saved chategories of parameters.
Well I experimented and found that the SONG parameter cathegory, saves the REVERB TYPE, yet not the wet volume of the reverb.

I tried with all the parameter cathegories checked and that volume remains 18, including for all the Registration memories. But if I alter it and switch between different reg memories, it stays what I told it to. However upon reboot, it goes back to 18.

I wanted some more like 27 with basic hall.
Strange that I cannot alter that.

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