DIY MIDI accordion

May 27, 2014
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Townsville Qld. North Australia
I plan to build myself such a super-light accordion with a 6 layer Janko keyboard layout. I already converted an old 120-button Farfisa bass part to MIDI and now am trying to build a keyboard for it, using 3 PC plates and 123 light-touch, silent Cherry switches.
That will be a bit tricky, since I cannot get a keyboard layout of that kind and so, I'll have to cut it out and epoxy-glue it from 3 PC plates. Here's my plan on how to go about:


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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
That sounds like a hell of a project you're undertaking and I wish you all the luck in the world with it.

Back in the 70's I started collecting pieces for a full 88 key Electronic Piano whose plans I found in a then recent copy of Elektor Magazine.

I obtained all necessary semiconductors, etched the boards at college, even found a genuine acoustic piano keybed, which thereafter for many years became a semi permanent wall hanging in my living room. :)

Then in a blinding flash, life happened and prices dropped on semi pro and pro gear faster than a hitchhiker on a toilet brush. ;) :D

Needless to say, I wish you a long and prosperous life as you pursue your dream. Enjoy the surprises along the way. :)

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
BTW, I just rescanned your keyboard layout and I think if you don't already own a 3D printer, you might want to consider getting one for this project.

It might save you from a lot of hardware hunting with 6 month delivery times during covid. :eek:

Gary ;)
May 27, 2014
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Townsville Qld. North Australia
For that I'm a bit too old (78). - I just bought 3 of these PC plates (at AliExpress) and guess I'll have to go to a place where they can machine cut it, because I won't be able to cut it precisely by hand with saw, tin snips etc. for it will deform it.
This project helps me to stay mentally active. It's also ergonomically suited to comfortably rest my elbows on the armschair and so, practice this light-weight Janko accordion for hours im my garden without tiring. We now have winter here in Townsville Qld at +24 to 26° C and I imagine how lovely it will be to enjoy it !
- I already built the 120-button accordion bass from an old Farfisa accordion. You are right, it was a hell of work, because I had to combine each chord manually via signal diodes; even built contact switches from gold-silver spring steel contact wire (salvaged from an old Dr. Boehm DIY organ). The advantage is that pressing the buttons is super light, because each button has only one tiny contact to activate and it sounds great! I uploaded a sound sample of it, here:


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Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
We now have winter here in Townsville Qld
Another Aussie! "g'day mate"
Love Townsville. Stayed at the Sugar Shaker a few years ago.
Another bloke here follows the "Cowboys" . . But you probably know him . . (since you have been around here for 6 years. . . I see your profile).

Wow! what a task you have. Good luck with it. Looking forward to hear the progress.

Ray (from Melbourne)
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
To old, Rubbish, you are never to old to do something that you want to do.

My Aunt on her 85th birthday wanted to do something special so she jumped out of a perfectly servicable aircraft and parachuted to the ground.

There are How To Videos on just about everything so Do It.

But, do keep us informed as to your progress.

We have a BBC TV series called The Repair Shop where concertinas, accordions, harmoniums and similar air powered instruments have been included in the Show where a specialist repairers transforms an item back into full working order.

This guy has been on the show a few times.

May 27, 2014
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Townsville Qld. North Australia
Years ago, when I was young and handsome (sadly now only the later left...) I used to ply the Paolo Soprani accordion, but this thing was far too heavy (some 12kg) and tiresome on my arm muscles. Now in old age I need something cheap, light and ergonomic. and since there's nothing of the sort on the market and that's why I decided on DIY.
Apropos... precisely cutting these PC plates for my DIY MIDI Janko accordion: I just remembered that I have got that Dremel tool and AliExpress sells some fine, circular diamond saw blades for it. I'll try and see if I can cleanly cut the desired key frames from that PC plate or has anyone an even better idea?
May 27, 2014
Reaction score
Townsville Qld. North Australia
Hi happyrat1! - I already bought the correct Cherry switches for my project. - Thanks for the good 3D idea. I wonder how much that would cost me 3D printing and where I could have it done?
Otherwise I just try my best to cleanly cut out the vital sections from these 3 PC plates and somehow stabilize , support and epoxy-glue them together to form the Janko keyboard. I then use my wire roller with a tiny tube to wire up and solder all switches to the MIDI scanner. Here's a picture of the original 3 PC plates I bought for my project:


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May 27, 2014
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Townsville Qld. North Australia
As you already know it was always my ambition to create an easy to learn and play accordion style musical instrument, but it took me ages to get my act together. - Finally, step by step I built the DIY components for it:
1) I converted a 120-button accordion bass to Midi. (Sounds great!)
2) From 3 PC plates I created a 6x6 JANKO keyboard. (Now I need to only wire them up and paint them black & white)
3) I created a WYSIWYG notation for it (similar to Klavar notation).
It can't get any easier (!!) and to make it sound like a real accordion I got myself the latest XXL MASTER ACCORDION from V3 sound modules, pairing it with an equally excellent MidiToolEx software and voilà, now I'm enjoying the sound of 206 top accordions at a fraction of Roland Midi accordion's costs.

In case anyone of you would like to have some more details, please feel free to contact me.
To accelerate the notation conversion I would need to find a programmer for it.


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May 27, 2014
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Townsville Qld. North Australia
Since there are no Janko Kbd tutors I just get my right hand to search by ear single notes for many melodies I know. I don't even look at the Janko Kbd and I'm amazed that I haven't got more problems with that, for it's a bit of what I'm already used with the zebra Kbd.

The Lippens Janko Kbd's keys are shaped as to intrude into upper & lower rows, which mit help Janko Kbd beginners (like me) to the location of the notes. It's, because I notice that in most cases my fingers reach the right note location, but often are uncertain on whether the note is located in the same or upper/lower row. That's where the Lippens Kbd keys might help reducing this uncertainty.

Yet, then again my Janko Kbd practice seems to indicate that this uncertainty is steadily reduced. What exactly is happening... I don't know. It might have something to do with the way the Janko Kbd is arranged and my good hearing.
Any way, I'm totally committed to gain experience in playing this Janko Kbd, because I know all to well that any alternative Kbd layout is 100x more demanding in regard to efforts, time and complexity.
Daily I try to practice my Janko Kbd for one hour and I 'll let you how I'm going in some time to come. The good thing is that my DIY MIDI accordion bass and Tyros3 auto-accompaniment helps me to overcome boredom; even challenges me to do my job.... :)
May 27, 2014
Reaction score
Townsville Qld. North Australia
Another Aussie! "g'day mate"
Love Townsville. Stayed at the Sugar Shaker a few years ago.
Another bloke here follows the "Cowboys" . . But you probably know him . . (since you have been around here for 6 years. . . I see your profile).

Wow! what a task you have. Good luck with it. Looking forward to hear the progress.

Ray (from Melbourne)
Hi Ray,

You might know this bloke standing in front of me whistling to Spanish tunes for his "Tour Of Australia" at Sydney's Circular Quay, a few years back:

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