Since there are no Janko Kbd tutors I just get my right hand to search by ear single notes for many melodies I know. I don't even look at the Janko Kbd and I'm amazed that I haven't got more problems with that, for it's a bit of what I'm already used with the zebra Kbd.
The Lippens Janko Kbd's keys are shaped as to intrude into upper & lower rows, which mit help Janko Kbd beginners (like me) to the location of the notes. It's, because I notice that in most cases my fingers reach the right note location, but often are uncertain on whether the note is located in the same or upper/lower row. That's where the Lippens Kbd keys might help reducing this uncertainty.
Yet, then again my Janko Kbd practice seems to indicate that this uncertainty is steadily reduced. What exactly is happening... I don't know. It might have something to do with the way the Janko Kbd is arranged and my good hearing.
Any way, I'm totally committed to gain experience in playing this Janko Kbd, because I know all to well that any alternative Kbd layout is 100x more demanding in regard to efforts, time and complexity.
Daily I try to practice my Janko Kbd for one hour and I 'll let you how I'm going in some time to come. The good thing is that my DIY MIDI accordion bass and Tyros3 auto-accompaniment helps me to overcome boredom; even challenges me to do my job....