Got My PC4-7 Yesterday--Returning it Today

Jun 13, 2012
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I've been a Kurz' user exclusively since the PC3's came out. I've had a couple of PC3's, a PC361 and a PC3K6. In 2015 I bought the Artis 7 (even had a 2nd one for a while that I put at a right-angle to the front one, using it for a quick access to different sounds during a song). When the PC4 came out I ordered one sight unseen and it arrived with "issues" (to say the least). During the few hours I messed around with it though, I became painfully aware of the horrible Medeli key bed (IMO)---noisy, "clunky", neither good for real piano OR organ parts--again, in my opinion (I am a HUGE fan of the PC3 and Artis 7 key beds, which are not popular and often criticized by Kurz' users). After a year, and with Kurzweil announcing the 76 note version--and most importantly--with a different key bed than the PC4--I patiently awaited its availability in the States. Mine arrived yesterday and after setting it up and powering it, I was elated to find it to be fully functional. That said, I soon noticed the disparity in the key size from the Artis 7 sitting next to it. WHAT???? Not only were the keys 1/2 in. shorter than the Artis, they had a sharp "point" at each front end. Plus, the springs were way too soft and free than my tastes, making it feel more like a cheap Casio department store 49 note board than a Kurz'. And, if that wasn't enough, the interface with the USB port and a computer did not function (I use my board a lot via computer for programming, etc). So, despite the high hopes and great experiences with Kurzweil with all their products prior to 2019, I have repacked the PC4-7 and it's being returned to my supplier. The upside of my brief experiences with both PC4's is that it's made my Artis 7 more valuable in my perspective!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Sorry to hear about your problems with the PC4-7.

The keybed issues are a love/hate thing with a lot of users but the upcoming K2700 supposedly went back to the Fatar TP40L. Also it was a tradeoff for reduced weight of the unit.

The computer thing is also disheartening but infant mortality happens in the best of families.

At least you are getting your money back.

I agree that I love my PC3K8 to death. I plan to be buried with mine. ;)

Gary ;)
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your problems with the PC4-7.

The keybed issues are a love/hate thing with a lot of users but the upcoming K2700 supposedly went back to the Fatar TP40L. Also it was a tradeoff for reduced weight of the unit.

The computer thing is also disheartening but infant mortality happens in the best of families.

At least you are getting your money back.

I agree that I love my PC3K8 to death. I plan to be buried with mine. ;)

Gary ;)
Thanks, Gary. My Artis 7 at 29lbs is very manageable for gigging and yet has a metal case and full sized keys. I think Kurzweil may have cut too deeply into the weight loss objective in exchange for some critical deficiencies in this PC4-7.
Jun 25, 2010
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(I am a HUGE fan of the PC3 and Artis 7 key beds, which are not popular and often criticized by Kurz' users)...I soon noticed the disparity in the key size from the Artis 7 sitting next to it. WHAT???? Not only were the keys 1/2 in. shorter than the Artis, they had a sharp "point" at each front end. Plus, the springs were way too soft and free than my tastes
Actions can indeed be quite subjective. I didn't like the Artis 7 because I felt it pushed back to much against my fingers... but I replaced the springs with lighter ones, and it then became my all time favorite non-hammer action, and one of the few non-hammer actions that I felt was still pretty nicely playable for piano.

I just got my PC4-7 as well. Yes, the keys are shorter than the Artis 7's, and also, they get quite a bit stiffer toward the back, which the Artis 7's do not. That said, I still find them very playable, and would prefer them over the "stock" Artis 7. I'd still prefer the Artis 7 with the light springs but this PC4-7 and the Vox Continental are probably the second best semi-weighted actions I've played. I like it quite a lot.

Artis 7 is still a great board, but the PC4-7 is so much lighter, and has the extra knobs, and has the nicer screen interface, and has the updated sound set and sample memory, and ribbon option... I'll be selling my Artis 7. Though if it does what you need, I can understand someone preferring it for it's action, or metal build with built-in power supply.
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Actions can indeed be quite subjective. I didn't like the Artis 7 because I felt it pushed back to much against my fingers... but I replaced the springs with lighter ones, and it then became my all time favorite non-hammer action, and one of the few non-hammer actions that I felt was still pretty nicely playable for piano.

I just got my PC4-7 as well. Yes, the keys are shorter than the Artis 7's, and also, they get quite a bit stiffer toward the back, which the Artis 7's do not. That said, I still find them very playable, and would prefer them over the "stock" Artis 7. I'd still prefer the Artis 7 with the light springs but this PC4-7 and the Vox Continental are probably the second best semi-weighted actions I've played. I like it quite a lot.

Artis 7 is still a great board, but the PC4-7 is so much lighter, and has the extra knobs, and has the nicer screen interface, and has the updated sound set and sample memory, and ribbon option... I'll be selling my Artis 7. Though if it does what you need, I can understand someone preferring it for it's action, or metal build with built-in power supply.
What was your opinion of the PC4's Medeli key bed? Are those keys full sized, at least compared to the shorter PC4-7's? Would you assume that the PC4's keys are less inclined to be good for organ parts compared to the PC3 or Artis 7?
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score

yes (and also less good for organ than PC4-7 keys)
I just bought a 2nd Artis 7 today, as they're being cleared out for a price into the triple digits--about the same as I'd pay for a POS Casio. I've become adept over the (5) years I've owned the 7 in terms of using the Sound Editor interface software to literally get as much amending of sounds as I could on my PC3's. Granted, the effects and other limitations when compared to the PC series boards exist, but for my purposes, I don't--and haven't--missed anything that I wish I had. I've honed a B3 and rotary combo that I am proud of that, coming from a history of owning and playing the real deal and using Leslie cabinets, is IMO one of the best out there, outside of using an effects box like a 'Vent. The key bed--both in terms of touch and size, etc--is absolutely the best for my personal tastes. And the quality of the sounds--especially those that I have created or amended from the factory versions--are sufficiently satisfying for me so as to not look elsewhere.

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