Hey man, Don't Bogart That Beethoven! Gimme Those Headphones!

Apr 11, 2018
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Music is a drug. A good one. Unlike chemical drugs that can destroy your body. To paraphrase Neil Young, it can "Change Your Mind". It's almost as good a "drug" as the one he's referring to in that song. One of my all time favorite songs is the Velvet Undergrounds Saved By Rock And Roll (yeah, rock and roll!) That describes the aural drug of music perfectly. The song Heroin however...I can remember when I first heard that like some people can remember exactly where they were when they heard Kennedy was shot. I was mesmerized. The going up is FANTASTIC! The coming down is horrifying. It depicts somebody being TAKEN OVER by a chemical.
I've never gotten hooked on any chemical drug, not even beer or tobacco. Am I just a prude? Am I the most flawless human ever? Let's take a stroll down memory lane for some answers. I'm going to force myself to type this out. You can't see me so I'll describe the scene: old guy at laptop, trembling, clenching, fighting back tears, "must...keep....typing!" My Grandma enjoyed a swig of the liquid variety of drug now and then. She was a tiny little thing 4 feet few inches tall. Nice when sober. But when the booze kicked in it was disturbing. She became a sleazy, greasy whore type woman. She got pulled over for drunk driving, that scared her straight for a little while. But it was Camel cigarettes that helped speed her to the grave. Camels, noooo filters on those babies.
My father had a penchant for Pabst Blue Ribbon and Schlitz Malt Liquor. Even after not seeing any cans for decades I could describe the logo and design on those cans to you now perfectly. Burned into memory. Even before he separated from my mother (the drinking being one of the reasons) he drank a lot. So then he's sad and lonely living in a shack with his drinking buddy. You know what soothed that pain. That's right. It brought relief from the pain of life. One day it brought the ultimate relief: DEATH. (If any depressed people are reading this you better not think I'm advocating the "s" word. A word so sad I can't make myself type it all out.)
And just one more. My mother has described the sad scene she had to witness of her grandma sitting on the porch hacking up tobacco gunk from decades of inhaling it. Can you guess what I'm seeing now with my mother? That's right. She tries to quit. But the addictive chemical says to her "no, we won't be doing that. You NEED me. You WANT me. DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"
I know, I know "everything in moderation..." But I never heard of anybody overdosing on Beethoven.
Got to end on an up note. You want to rock out? THEN SHOVE SOME ZEPPELIN INTO YO' EARS! Need to relax? Then pour some Debussy over your aching throbbing brain. And finally a quote from Grace Slick: Feed Your HeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeEAD!!!!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
The irony is that most (if not all) of those musicians you mentioned were high as a kite on whatever drug was popular at the time they composed their works.

Even classical artists were known to ingest a few opiates and plenty of booze in their day.

While I'm sorry to hear about whatever childhood traumas made you the man you are today, my advice is to leave the preaching to the pulpit and those who care to attend the AA meetings/Alanon meetings/Narcanon Meetings which are held virtually on a daily basis.

Some of us can handle whatever drug of choice that makes us tick and prefer not to hear Carrie Nation style Temperance speeches first thing on a Sunday morning.

Likewise I had to disable the comments section on my 420 Blues Youtube because of your trolling the comments with incessant preaching of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" crap on an innocent musical piece intended to please the listener.

Like I said, your childhood sounds sad and pathetic and I can understand why you regret the choices that other people made, but bear in mind. THEY ARE CHOICES!!!

Nobody holds a gun to an addict's head and forces him to start.

And the last thing i need to hear is is some biblically inspired guilt trip to start off my Sunday morning.

Kindly do your preaching to someone who gives a sh*t. :p

Gary ;)
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
The irony is that most (if not all) of those musicians you mentioned were high as a kite on whatever drug was popular at the time they composed their works.

Even classical artists were known to ingest a few opiates and plenty of booze in their day.

While I'm sorry to hear about whatever childhood traumas made you the man you are today, my advice is to leave the preaching to the pulpit and those who care to attend the AA meetings/Alanon meetings/Narcanon Meetings which are held virtually on a daily basis.

Some of us can handle whatever drug of choice that makes us tick and prefer not to hear Carrie Nation style Temperance speeches first thing on a Sunday morning.

Likewise I had to disable the comments section on my 420 Blues Youtube because of your trolling the comments with incessant preaching of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" crap on an innocent musical piece intended to please the listener.

Like I said, your childhood sounds sad and pathetic and I can understand why you regret the choices that other people made, but bear in mind. THEY ARE CHOICES!!!

Nobody holds a gun to an addict's head and forces him to start.

And the last thing i need to hear is is some biblically inspired guilt trip to start off my Sunday morning.

Kindly do your preaching to someone who gives a sh*t. :p

Gary ;)
I thought you were fun when I first got to this forum. Now i see you are just an uptight ass hole. I agree with everything you just wrote. Beethoven, who I love enjoyed the booze. I don't believe the fictional character called "God" actually exists in reality by the way. I understand you're point of view completely about choices. I have absolutely no objection whatsoever in you putting any crap you want to in your body.
No Gary, the problem I have with you is the way you react to things. It's obvious that you are coiled up tight just waiting to strike at anybody you PERCIEVE to be a threat to you. I'm not a threat. I don't want to stop you from doing anything. Relaaaaaaxxxx, man! Your drug use is not you're biggest problem. You need to loosen up and relax baby!
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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Pardon me for reacting but this is not the first time you have started commenting about drug use in a forum I frequent.

First of all you ruined the comments section on my Youtube video a few days ago and today you are preaching temperance.

Do you see a pattern developing here?

I certainly do,

Gary ;)
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
Pardon me for reacting but this is not the first time you have started commenting about drug use in a forum I frequent.

First of all you ruined the comments section on my Youtube video a few days ago and today you are preaching temperance.

Do you see a pattern developing here?

I certainly do,

Gary ;)
I preach to no one. I simply state facts. And your reactions to those facts will be verrrry interesting to the psychologists out there.
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
There is zero need for that sort of personal attack here. We don't have to agree with each other but let's keep it out of the gutter.
Ok, I will. On a different forum I was deleted for using my catchphrase Freak-Ass! You say that when you come upon something amazing, instead of Freak Out!. Can I still use that?
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
Go and troll somewhere else please. This forum doesn't roll that way.
I don't understand what you mean by trolling. Can you clarify that? I've only been on the internet a couple of years now. I've heard that term, but don't know what you mean.
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
Grow up.

No need to get personal or get on the soapbox.

With a bit of luck and the action of one of our Admin we will soon be Troll-less
Even after post #12 you post this. And you're telling me to grow up. That's the trouble with communicating with just words on a screen. You can't see how I'm saying what I am. I'm talking in a fun, nice way. Except for the a-hole thing, sorry about that Gary. How many times do I have to say I don't wanna take your doobs away man! I have nothing against any of you. Even when I tell you you need to relax I'm not being juvenile and snarky. Your reactions to a post about music on a music forum are very strange.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Maybe your posts could be lightened up.

I certainly do not want to hear about your family troubles just in the same way you do not want to know about my Wife’s battle against Cancer, or my Father slowly suffocating to death or my Wife’s brother dying of AIDS.

There are plenty of other self help groups for that.

Gary states that you have Trolled his posts on other forums.

So why have the same attitude in posts here?

This is a friendly self help forum for keyboard enthusiasts after all.
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
Maybe your posts could be lightened up.

I certainly do not want to hear about your family troubles just in the same way you do not want to know about my Wife’s battle against Cancer, or my Father slowly suffocating to death or my Wife’s brother dying of AIDS.

There are plenty of other self help groups for that.

Gary states that you have Trolled his posts on other forums.

So why have the same attitude in posts here?

This is a friendly self help forum for keyboard enthusiasts after all.
That's why it has a humorous title and ends on an up note. It's about what MUSIC means to me. That MUSIC is my drug of choice. Less about drugs than music. Geez, you guys! I guess I know what subject not to bring up here. One of my other interests is physics, you know, how the universe works. Before I risk sudden, bizarre attacks for that, tell me if that's taboo too. You got anything against electrons or gravity? (Remember I'm being nice and fun not mean spirited!)


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Hey m10538 (Nameless)
Your original post was treated by many here with encouragement. You said you did not have much to say. You wanted to show off your recordings.

You sucked me in! You have too much to say. I figured you as a humble man. But I was wrong and was taken in like a fool.

I wil be boycotting your future posts.

Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Well said Ray.

Oh yes.....I am ignoring him also.

Its a pity this forum does not have the induvidual Block feature that Facebook does where you can hide all the present and future posts from an individual.
Apr 11, 2018
Reaction score
Hey m10538 (Nameless)
Your original post was treated by many here with encouragement. You said you did not have much to say. You wanted to show off your recordings.

You sucked me in! You have too much to say. I figured you as a humble man. But I was wrong and was taken in like a fool.

I wil be boycotting your future posts.

I'm in the middle of an ice storm right now and I grow weary of this juvenile back and forth. This is the last post of the day. Everything I say is true. I think I would of made about 4 or 5 posts here eventually. On a different forum I did a version of my "music is a good drug" idea. I got a humorous reply with somebody there and we had an interesting discussion. That forum has a problem of not much interaction, they weren't a talkative bunch. I also had a post deleted because I used my catchphrase freak-ass! (a mash up of freak out! and kick ass!) That's ok though because the rules there state that they want it to be kid friendly.
I came here for more vigorous interaction with mature adults. Uh hum. My bad. I planned on doing a version of my other post there about the music industry in the internet age here on the KF. I can't imagine any reason you few would tear me apart for that. Knowing you now though...And that's about it. I can't think of much else to say. Like I said before I have no technical expertise. No advice to give. 4 or 5 posts, once in a while a link to something cool I found on YouTube. That's it. You strange 3 or 4 of you need to relax and let some time go by. Eventually I'll pretty much disappear. You'll have your little playpen all to yourselves. I'm not gone yet though. And I'll defend myself from unprovoked attacks too. To the end.
To the end.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Look, a lot of us here have known each other for years and we know what's a safe topic and what's not.

Most of our time here is spent giving technical advice to noobs and pros alike and when we do post to the off topic lounge it's light and cheerful.

Not a bloody sermon about the horrors of drug abuse and how if we were smart we'd never have lit up a joint in our lives.

We're musicians and deal with the business of pleasure and we don't need someone posting that he's some kind of superman because he never lit up a butt or had a beer in his life. As far as we're concerned that's your loss, not ours.

All I know is that the first thing I saw online when I woke up this morning was a preachy sermon about how bad drugs are for you.

We mostly have our hands full sharing our technical knowledge and we make the occasional joke in between in the lounge.

Just tone it down a bit and don't try so hard to impress us with how smart and fun you are.

Nobody here has anything to prove and we don't need someone coming back after every reply trying to prove he's better than us.

This is classic troll behaviour. You post a controversial topic and sit back and keep throwing sticks on the fire as it builds into a pyromaniac's orgasm.

Nobody has anything to prove and nobody wants a deep philosophical discussion first thing on a Sunday morning.

We just want to share our music and our methods and hopefully make each other better musicians in the process.

THIS is the main theme of this forum.

If you want to argue philosophy then I'd advise you to take it to facebook or some other social account.

We all have music on our minds and really don't need the lectures and the debates.

Life's too short. :p

Gary ;)

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