I'm owning a yamaha DGX 630 atm and I would like to have another keyboard.
The only problem is that my budget is kinda tight. So I was wondering if it's possible to buy a cheap keyboard, and play on it using the sounds of my DGX 630.
The Yamaha DGX 630 doesn't have midi imputs (which the cheap keyboard will probably have as outputs) but it has a USB input. I do have a USB-MIDI inferface which I use for my pc. Is it possible to use that to connect a keyboard to my DGX 630? (I'd rather not buy a keyboard and then find out it doesn't work
Thanks in advance
The only problem is that my budget is kinda tight. So I was wondering if it's possible to buy a cheap keyboard, and play on it using the sounds of my DGX 630.
The Yamaha DGX 630 doesn't have midi imputs (which the cheap keyboard will probably have as outputs) but it has a USB input. I do have a USB-MIDI inferface which I use for my pc. Is it possible to use that to connect a keyboard to my DGX 630? (I'd rather not buy a keyboard and then find out it doesn't work
Thanks in advance