For us, "Out West" means anything West of and including Manitoba. "Out East" means New Brunswick and anything East of that.
Quebec considers itself, "Distinct."
And Ontario, IS, "The Center Of The Universe..."
If you don't want to go thru Amazon then there's no difference between Cosmo's prices and their listings on Amazon. But backorders can be a bitch sometimes.
Last year I bought a Hydrasynth from Moog Audio and they sat on my money for a full 7 months before the backorder came in.
They are really nice about cancellations if you decide not to wait it out sometimes and happily return the money and cancel the order upon request. Cosmo is the same way. Both good stores to deal with.
Happy New Year Back Atcha... (It can't POSSIBLY be worse than 2020

And I have purchased a couple of times from Tom Lee Music on the West Coast as well. Long time ago though.
BTW, the last stand I bought from Cosmo had a small manufacturer's defect. The nut welded to the second Tier had a weld that started to come loose. I contacted Onstage, they directed me to their distributor in Montreal and they ended up shipping me a second entire stand, new in the box, instead of the single defective foot long piece.

I ended up selling off the original defective stand on Kijiji for about $100. The nut could easily have been rewelded in any auto garage and I made that clear to the buyer, so my second Onstage stand was practically free in the end.