Kurzweil SP7 Grand

Jul 22, 2018
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Hi - I'll be brief. I purchased the above keyboard because I could mute and un-mute as many as 16 different sounds/patches, live, on the fly. I use chiefly acoustic sounds and work with a drummer and bass. I use it in musical theater to enhance the overall impact theater music. The Kurz was excellent, except about 75% of the time when it wasn't. I'm in the market for something similar and not prone to crashing. I checked the Yamaha CK series, but I heard they can only play 3 "live sets." I'd like to try the Roland Fantom 08, but here in Portland, OR, dealers are few and far between. I also thought about using Main Stage software and a midi controller, with all the sounds supplied by the Main Stage software. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry to ramble. Bo Ayars
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi - I'll be brief. I purchased the above keyboard because I could mute and un-mute as many as 16 different sounds/patches, live, on the fly. I use chiefly acoustic sounds and work with a drummer and bass. I use it in musical theater to enhance the overall impact theater music. The Kurz was excellent, except about 75% of the time when it wasn't. I'm in the market for something similar and not prone to crashing. I checked the Yamaha CK series, but I heard they can only play 3 "live sets." I'd like to try the Roland Fantom 08, but here in Portland, OR, dealers are few and far between. I also thought about using Main Stage software and a midi controller, with all the sounds supplied by the Main Stage software. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry to ramble. Bo Ayars
If i'm recalling correctly the SP7 series of keyboards were outsourced to a 3rd party to be developed. It turned out to be a disaster. NBP (nothing but problems). Buy a real Kurzweil which is essentially anything besides an SP7 series keyboard. I have a PC3 and a Forte and they are solid as a rock. Never had a single crash with either one.
Jun 17, 2019
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The best solution woul be to use Gig Performer, Mainstage is a PITA to manage although the sounds are quite good.
Dec 9, 2024
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Hi, have you tried the Kurzwiel K2700 it has alot of features, not quite a workstation, but it is a fully weighted 88 piano action, I don't think it crashes as per the S7 Grand, or a cheaper version is the Kerzweil PC4, unfortunately it's all plastic construction, but it's lightweight, hope that helps you.

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