kurzweil, yamaha. please help

Sep 12, 2010
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Hi, out there from Spain.
I'm very new in this world and haven't got much expirience.
I have got one doubt, as anyone, but it is just about the producing and editing.
After checking in many forums and many places, I would like to know which one of this workstation you consider easy to work with, to compose and edit, the kurzweil PC3x( or the K) or the motif xs8.
At this moment the price of the kurzweil here is half the price of the motif xs 88 (probably a bit expensive for me) so I was quite convinced after checking many forums but I have read everywhere that the kurzweil is very difficult to make it go.
To those one who have expirience with both could you tell me if there is a big difference and if one is much easier than the other. And to those one who own the kurz, could you tell me if you thing is so difficult as they say.
At the same time would you go for one of this, or would you go for a motif xs-rack+ keyboard 88 keys. This seems as well a very good option cause probably I could combine a kurzweil keyboard an the mottif xs rack for the same price than the kurzweil PC3k (about 2000 euros) ( I can get a Pc3x for about 1450-1600 euros).
I have an i-mac and the next question is if I should go for one of these mention before or go better with a 88keys keyboard and softwares.
Please give me a hand
Jul 18, 2007
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I don't know a thing about old Kurzweils like the K series, but i've tried the PC3x (relative new).

PC3x has tons of bread and butter sounds... and I really mean a ton!

Great rhodes and e.pianos - very authentic, and great symphonic sounds.

But when it comes to contamporary features, sounds, and programming workflow - I would say go with Yamaha.

Bigger screen and tons of dedicated buttons will make your life much easier.

If you don't want to program stuff, and just play good sounds that come out of the box - go with the PC3X.

Also note - the PC3x doesn't have hammer keys like Yamaha does. The keys on the PC3x are a great compromise between piano action keys and hammond waterfall keys, while the Motif XS8 has balanced hammer action keys (weighted - but not graded)
Sep 12, 2010
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thank you for the answer. In the specs I read that PC3x has fully-weighted hammer actions keys while motif xs88 has balanced hammer action keys. For what you say it could probably be a great thing to have first the pc3x and then when possible to add a yamaha motifxs. rack for exemple.
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
The motif might be the more popular choice but i don't know that it would be the better choice IMHO.

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