
Apr 15, 2018
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Hi guys anyone using a looper,i got a Rc-1 and trying to connect to the dgx 660 but no sound!any help would be appreciated...
Apr 15, 2018
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Tried mono input and output using the cables with no output!!?.tried stereo still no sound..


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I would definitely go with stereo, since that’s what the DGX-660 uses. I know nothing about the RC-1 and haven’t looked at its manual (if there is one), but looking at a picture of it I’m guessing you’ll want to get a 1/4” TRS-to-dual-TS cable, so you can plug the 1/4” TRS end into the DGX-660’s PHONES/OUTPUT jack, and plug the dual TS end into the RC-1’s INPUT A and INPUT B jacks. Then get a 1/4”-dual-TS-to-1/8”-TRS cable, so you can plug the 1/4” dual TS end into the RC-1’s OUTPUT A and OUTPUT B jacks, and plug the 1/8” TRS end into the DGX-660’s AUX IN jack. (I’m assuming that the A and B jacks are L/Mono and R, respectively, since the A jacks say “mono” under them, but I haven’t checked the manual to verify that assumption.)

EDIT— Of course, if you’re going from the RC-1 to external speaker(s) then use an appropriate cable for that and scratch what I said about connecting to the DGX-660’s AUX IN jack.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I have doubts that you can feed the Looper back into your DGX.

It is a Guitar pedal that usually gets fed into an Amp or Mixer board.

Have you tried connections DGX > Looper > Amp ?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The DGX has an AUX IN jack, and can play an auxiliary audio source through its built-in speakers. But I don't what kind of signal strength the looper outputs.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
My reasoning is that whilst recording on the Looper the output signal from it will be fed back into the DGX and hence back out to the Looper where it will be recorded again so it could end up as a multi Chorus effect or at worst a feedback loop.
Apr 15, 2018
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Ah, I see! :)
Thanks for all your help i appreciate it but after numerous attempts at changing ports and cables ive tried everything even the music store have sold me 3 different ended cables my only thought is my audio volume is at _ _ and i cant reset it,maybe this is the problem i cant wait to get this sorted,if i ever do;)
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
When you plug headphones in do you get any sound in them?

Is the output socket switchable in the Menu system between headphones and Line Levels?

If you connect an Amp up directly to the DGX output do you get sound out of it?
Apr 15, 2018
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When you plug headphones in do you get any sound in them?

Is the output socket switchable in the Menu system between headphones and Line Levels?

If you connect an Amp up directly to the DGX output do you get sound out of it?
Nothing working unfortunately tried the others speakers too..maybe I need an amp but cant understand why the dgx doesn't produce the sound out again!!?.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
It should, it defaults to headphones and you have to change it in the Function memory to a Line output level, the setting is called Normal on page 55 of the Manual.

Do this then connect up your speakers which will need to be active (inbuilt amp) and you should then get the sound of your keyboard through the speakers.

If the above works connect your Looper in series between the keyboard and active speakers.

If either of these fails then you will probably need to take your keyboard to a Tech for them to check it over.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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When a DGX or similar keyboard displays “- -“ for one of the volume functions, it means that the volume function in question isn’t applicable at the current time. My Yamaha PSR-E models are like this as well, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. Let me give a few examples of what I mean by “isn’t applicable at the current time.”

These keyboard models (DGX and PSR-E) can play Styles, or they can play Songs, but they can’t play both at the same time. (You can play a Style while you’re recording a User Song, and the keyboard will play back the Style as you recorded it while your User Song is being played back, but that’s a different/special situation.)

So if you’ve got the keyboard in Style mode (STYLE button is lit up), the “Style Volume” function will display the current volume for the Style and you’ll be able to change it if you wish, but the “Song Volume” function will be displayed as “- -“ and you won’t be able to change it.

Likewise, if you’ve got the keyboard in Song mode (SONG button is lit up), the “Song Volume” function will display the current volume for the Song and you’ll be able to change it if you wish, but the “Style Volume” function will be displayed as “- -“ and you won’t be able to change it.

As far as the volume for an external audio signal, the DGX has at least two different audio inputs— a 1/4” TS jack for connecting a microphone, and a 1/8” TRS jack for connecting an auxiliary audio device. I might be wrong, but I don’t think the DGX-660 can accept audio signals through its USB TO HOST port, but many of the newer PSR-E models do have that capability. Anyway, each of these different types of incoming audio signals (MIC, AUX, and USB) has its own separate volume setting, so there should be at least two, and possibly three, volume functions on your DGX for incoming audio. Each of these functions will display “- -“ if its corresponding jack or port doesn’t have anything plugged in.

So first of all, make sure you’re looking at the correct volume function for whichever jack you’re using.

Then, if you’re looking at the correct function for that jack but the setting is still displayed as “- -,” make sure the right kind of cable is being used for that jack. As I said, I think the 1/4” microphone jack is for a TS cable (since a microphone uses a monophonic signal), whereas the 1/8” auxiliary jack is definitely for a TRS cable (since it’s expected that the auxiliary device will be sending a stereo signal).
Apr 15, 2018
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When a DGX or similar keyboard displays “- -“ for one of the volume functions, it means that the volume function in question isn’t applicable at the current time. My Yamaha PSR-E models are like this as well, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. Let me give a few examples of what I mean by “isn’t applicable at the current time.”

These keyboard models (DGX and PSR-E) can play Styles, or they can play Songs, but they can’t play both at the same time. (You can play a Style while you’re recording a User Song, and the keyboard will play back the Style as you recorded it while your User Song is being played back, but that’s a different/special situation.)

So if you’ve got the keyboard in Style mode (STYLE button is lit up), the “Style Volume” function will display the current volume for the Style and you’ll be able to change it if you wish, but the “Song Volume” function will be displayed as “- -“ and you won’t be able to change it.

Likewise, if you’ve got the keyboard in Song mode (SONG button is lit up), the “Song Volume” function will display the current volume for the Song and you’ll be able to change it if you wish, but the “Style Volume” function will be displayed as “- -“ and you won’t be able to change it.

As far as the volume for an external audio signal, the DGX has at least two different audio inputs— a 1/4” TS jack for connecting a microphone, and a 1/8” TRS jack for connecting an auxiliary audio device. I might be wrong, but I don’t think the DGX-660 can accept audio signals through its USB TO HOST port, but many of the newer PSR-E models do have that capability. Anyway, each of these different types of incoming audio signals (MIC, AUX, and USB) has its own separate volume setting, so there should be at least two, and possibly three, volume functions on your DGX for incoming audio. Each of these functions will display “- -“ if its corresponding jack or port doesn’t have anything plugged in.

So first of all, make sure you’re looking at the correct volume function for whichever jack you’re using.

Then, if you’re looking at the correct function for that jack but the setting is still displayed as “- -,” make sure the right kind of cable is being used for that jack. As I said, I think the 1/4” microphone jack is for a TS cable (since a microphone uses a monophonic signal), whereas the 1/8” auxiliary jack is definitely for a TRS cable (since it’s expected that the auxiliary device will be sending a stereo signal).
Thanks for your help..I have the volume problem resumed and again tried every possible Avenue getting tired but determined to fix this,heading back to the music store again tomorrow hopefully your post will help!..
Apr 15, 2018
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Hi guys it turns out that i needed another amp for the output.Turns out the same guy who sold me the original cables then told me(after bringing the portable grand to the store,which is heavy)that i needed to buy an amp which he proceeded to try and sell me one at £279.So beware,i got a small amp off ebay to begin.And thanks again for your help!...
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
So you are at the stage I advised last Saturday.

You should now be set up but until the amp arrives if the looper has a headphones out socket then try using that.

Keyboard > Looper > Headphones

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