MIDI connection between Kurzweil SP76 and USB on Windows XP laptop

Aug 10, 2020
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I can’t seem to connect my Kurzweil SP76 with a midi/USB connector to my laptop so that I can use it in Soundtrap. There must be a setting that I’m overlooking. Is there anyone here that can walk me through it? Thanks!
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

I suggest you contact Kursweil Support and ask them.

I would expect them to say that your keyboard is not supported on the XP platform and to suggest you upgrade to a Windows 10 or MAC laptop.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
If the SP76 doesn't have a USB-MIDI port (and it does not), then I think it should be perfectly compatible with Windows XP-- although that may or may not be true of the USB-MIDI interface.

What interface are you using? Please be aware that the "dirt cheap" interfaces can be unreliable, so it's best to spend a little more money and get a well-known name brand.

iConnectivity makes a USB-MIDI interface called the mio that costs about $40 USD, which should be a good choice; or if you want the option to use either a USB Type-C or USB Type-A connection then you might want to spend another $10 and get the mioXC.

But there are other companies and other choices; I'm not trying to push iConnectivity, just mentioning the mio as an example of a USB-MIDI interface that should be reliable. The main thing is to think twice before going with the lowest-priced USB-MIDI interface you can find on Amazon or other online store, especially if you can't find a website for the company that makes it.

Anyway, I believe that most USB-MIDI interfaces are designed to be class-compliant, which means they shouldn't require installation of a proprietary driver, so I think they should work fine with Windows XP.

But Kurzweil Support should be able to help you get everything sorted out.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
A couple of "duh" points to make here. :)

Firstly, are you connecting the MIDI connector on the interface as IN to OUT and OUT to IN on the keyboard?

This is a basic Noob mistake I realize but it bears repeating if you are completely unfamiliar with MIDI protocols.

MIDI ALWAYS connects IN to OUT and OUT to IN. Reverse the connectors and it will simply not work.

Secondly, if you are using one of those cheap $5 USB MIDI interfaces from China that everyone sells be advised that they have a high infant mortality rate and it's advisable to spend $20 or $30 on a better quality interface. Use only interfaces that are USB MIDI Class Compliant else you will be stuck looking for proprietary drivers to support your OS. Class compliant devices have been recognized by Windows, Apple and Linux without drivers since Win 95.

Before you scrap the interface though, it is advisable to rummage thru the device manager and see if your interface is at all recognized by Windows or not. It should be under Multimedia and Sound devices. If it is there but flagged with a yellow triangle then there is a problem with the driver. If it looks OK in device manager then the problem is either with the interface or your connections or the Kurzweil's MIDI ports.

To troubleshoot these issues, download a program called MIDIOX which runs on virtually every version of windows and see if the MIDI ports are streaming or not.

If it responds to a keypress then your problems are with the software you are trying to connect to and in the MIDI port configuration in its settings.

That in a nutshell is how to troubleshoot your problem.

Gary ;)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
Firstly, are you connecting the MIDI connector on the interface as IN to OUT and OUT to IN on the keyboard?

This is a basic Noob mistake I realize but it bears repeating if you are completely unfamiliar with MIDI protocols.

MIDI ALWAYS connects IN to OUT and OUT to IN. Reverse the connectors and it will simply not work.

Thank you for mentioning this, Gary, because I forgot-- and 50% of the time or more it turns out to be the issue. We're trained time and again all our lives to connect like to like-- yellow to yellow, red to red, white to white, etc.-- but in MIDI it doesn't work that way.

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