A couple of "duh" points to make here.
Firstly, are you connecting the MIDI connector on the interface as IN to OUT and OUT to IN on the keyboard?
This is a basic Noob mistake I realize but it bears repeating if you are completely unfamiliar with MIDI protocols.
MIDI ALWAYS connects IN to OUT and OUT to IN. Reverse the connectors and it will simply not work.
Secondly, if you are using one of those cheap $5 USB MIDI interfaces from China that everyone sells be advised that they have a high infant mortality rate and it's advisable to spend $20 or $30 on a better quality interface. Use only interfaces that are USB MIDI Class Compliant else you will be stuck looking for proprietary drivers to support your OS. Class compliant devices have been recognized by Windows, Apple and Linux without drivers since Win 95.
Before you scrap the interface though, it is advisable to rummage thru the device manager and see if your interface is at all recognized by Windows or not. It should be under Multimedia and Sound devices. If it is there but flagged with a yellow triangle then there is a problem with the driver. If it looks OK in device manager then the problem is either with the interface or your connections or the Kurzweil's MIDI ports.
To troubleshoot these issues, download a program called MIDIOX which runs on virtually every version of windows and see if the MIDI ports are streaming or not.
If it responds to a keypress then your problems are with the software you are trying to connect to and in the MIDI port configuration in its settings.
That in a nutshell is how to troubleshoot your problem.