Midi Controller or Synth with Roland RD-800

Mar 27, 2020
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I have a Roland RD-800 stage piano, which works well for most of what my band plays. There are a few songs that would benefit from a synthesizer. We're looking to add Hungry Like the Wolf to our set and I'm trying to figure out how to play the arpeggios given the RD-800 doesn't have that feature. I don't really want to add another keyboard to my rig because space is limited where we play. I'm thinking of maybe buying a midi controller to play the arpeggios through the RD-800 or maybe a small synth. What midi controllers or small synths would you recommend? Thanks.
Feb 14, 2018
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I use an rd2000, and we play hungry. I use a novation peak for the arp sounds though.

You wouldnt need anything that expensive if it's the only sound you need.

Any mono synth (for most arp patterns thats enough) with an arpegiator that has a random patturn generator (niks original was random, though once recorded hectecirded it, its no longer random lol - but random is close enough).

A desktop would be enough as well, just trigger it from the rd.

As for recommendations, there are probably lots. If budget permits, my immediate thought is a korg minilogue xd. Either keyboard or desktop form. Probably keyboard as it's the same length as the module and can actually be bought cheape, while giving you a playing surface.

4 voice analogue, so easily gets the hungry sound, and plenty of other synth sounds, and can be used for chords as its 4 voice. Has the arp and sequencer for flexibility.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
If I might suggest the Arturia Keystep or the new Keystep Pro. It's a solid little controller with built in programmable arp that's made for your needs.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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Would the RD generate the sounds needed for hungry's arp pattern though? I just though a proper synth (for not much more than the keystep) not only does that, but opens other "synth" sounds.

If the RD800 does, then yeh the keystep might be a way forward. I was on the verge myself (as the Peak doesnt have a sequencer or programmable arp) - but think Im going that Argon8 route instead (again, offers more sonically than what the keystep alone offers).


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Well I own a Keystep as well as a Beatstep and a Beatstep Pro and I put them all to different uses in my home studio.

I can attest that the Keystep has a very nice feeling little keyboard with aftertouch as well and the build quality is excellent.

Hook it up to any sort of soft synth or rack module and you have a very playable little instrument.

Argon 8 is a whole different class and price range.

Then again you're right that the RD-800 may not even have a suitable patch for the song.

If the OP was OK with adding a second keyboard I would have suggested a Juno DS-61 but he seemed to indicate that space was a consideration.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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yeh - why I suggested the Minilogue XD - module or keyboard. Not much larger than the keystep, with a fully analogue 4 voice poly synth - and arp and sequencer. I think it would add a lot more capability and sound design choices as well as the arp/sequencer functionality of the keystep. There all considerations though.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Minilogue XD is nice but triple the price.

He might want to pick up a used Minilogue older generation used for half the price of the XD.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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Maybe, but it doesnt have that 3rd multi function osc.... Thats worth the price alone with its open source waveforms.

I guess without a budget, and space restrictions were just speculating anyway. He does say the stuff they play would benefit from a synth. My RD2000 certainly doesnt have anything Id use for Hungry like the wolf, though it does have some use-able synth sounds. The 800 is less capable in that way, but I dont know how much less.

Maybe the OP should check the sounds he can get, and if he has all he needs (or may need) then adding a controller with arp/sequencing is the way. If he doesnt really have the core sounds he wants for now, or for songs they want to add - then look at a synth (either small format like the Minilogue, or a desktop).
Mar 27, 2020
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Hey, thanks everybody for the recommendations. I don't have a lot of background in synthesizers and controllers, so this is new territory for me. I'm learning a lot from your comments.

In our band, I'm playing piano most of the time (the main reason I bought the RD-800), sometimes organ (RD-800 is OK for this), and some synth-based tunes like:

- A few songs by The Cars; I have found some surprisingly good sounds for these on the RD-800, particularly for Let's Go
- On the Loose by Saga; the RD-800 does OK on this, although the weighted keys make it a little tough
- Come Sail Away by Styx; it took some work, but I got a reasonably good sound and delay effect on the RD-800 for the keyboard solo in the middle
- A few other tunes for which the RD-800 isn't great, but is passable : Surrender by Cheap Trick, Talk to Ya Later by The Tubes, Never Been Any Reason by Head East, Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs. Some of these could probably benefit from a real synthesizer.

I went through the RD-800 sounds last night and there's nothing out of the box for Hungry Like the Wolf. Like some of the tunes above, with some work I can probably get something that is passable, in which case a small controller like the Keystep would work OK.

I haven't really decided on a budget, but none of the suggestions are out of reach. I could add a second tier above the RD-800, which probably wouldn't add too much space horizontally. I already have a lot of gear to bring to gigs since I also play rhythm guitar on about 1/2 of our songs, so there's extra time to set up a second keyboard, but it's something I will consider.

Based on your replies, I'm currently looking into all options:
- Arturia Keystep or Keystep Pro
- Korg Minilogue xd or older model
- Modal Electronics Argon8
- Juno DS-61
- Novation Peak
- Other desktop synths

Feb 14, 2018
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2nd tier adds almost nothing for footprint, or for setup really. Its one more power cable, one more signal cable, one midi cable plus the tier maybe.

I have a 3 tier setup, with an RD2000 on the bottom, an FA07 in the middle, then a legend EXP organ module, the Peak, and the Argon 8. I also play guitar and carry an AFX 4U rack, a 2x12 cab, pedalboard and sundries - and 2 guitars. I also carry 2 x PA tops (for keys backline, or monitoring. I have my setup AFTER loading (which obviously changes) to about 20 minutes, teardown about the same. My stand has to part assemble (the top 2 tiers need screwing out/in to transport).

I probably woundnt look at the Argon8 at present. Its wavetable - so not the easiest to learn, and currently you cant save custom arp patterns to patches (its coming in the next FW). It does have "animation" lanes in its sequencer (meaning you can automate filter sweeps and the like) but so doesn the Minilogue XD. Even though I picked an Argon over the Minilogue - I did so because a. I have a peak already so a lot of crossover - b. I didnt quite have the length of space available the minilogue needs. The Argon is shorter. all in all the Argon suits my needs better - I feel the Minilogue would suit yours better.

Minilogue will get you there at the cheapest price. The Peak is 8 voice v the Minilogues 4 voices (but unless your playing 4 note chords AND a lead line 4 would be enough - probably) and has a better modulation matrix - but it doesnt have the programmable arp (just standard up, down, up/down and random) or sequencer. I think at twice the price of the minilogue XD it will be missing things you really want/need - while adding a lot you probably wont use.

The Juno DS - I "probably" wouldnt look at either to be honest. You have a great key action on the RD. Youd be better looking at something like Rolands FA07 ( a full blown VA synth section) or ModX7 IF you want a full size workstation type board. The DS is cheaper though - so if you did want to add another full sized board but didnt want to spend as much as the FAs/ModX then its a valid option.

Personally I think youd be better with a synth though (a small one - dont really need a full sized keyboard - and you can always drive it over MIDI from the RD is you do). There smaller - so you could get a couple on your top tie down the line. For instance you could add a Keystep AND a Minilogue XD (for less than a peak) and both would fit on the same 2nd tier. There are mono synths that would do the Hungry sound nicely, but you couldnt have nice synth pads and the like due to one note at a time.

Not that you NEED that right now - but you could. OR you could add a decent Hammond module (Like a Ferrofish or a Legend EXP) and a Minilogue - which will give a lot better organ sounds, PLUS a full 4 Voice analogue synth all on that one "2nd" tier.

A controller like the keystep is nice - but unless your adding a synth module with no arp/sequencer onboard, you NEED to have the core sounds you want/need already in you RD800. I couldnt do that with my RD2000 to be honest, but it does depend what your doing. If the RD800 makes all the noises you need - sure look at the keystep/pro - but be SURE your Ok with the sounds on your RD.

Lots of options - but let your budget and need drive this, NOT what you CAN have.
Last edited:


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Two other budget conscious options to consider if you're going full blown synth for the top tier.

Take a look at the Behringer Deepmind 6 and the Deepmind 12.

I own the 6 and it's got some hellaciously freaky synth sounds to play around with and it's well designed for sound sculpting if you plan on getting into that.

It's also very reasonably priced for what you get.

Or an even more budget conscious option if you're looking for vintage synth sounds is the Behringer MS-101.

All of these Behringer synths are heavily discounted right now because of Covid 19. Stores are tying to unload stock in order to be able to pay their rent and financing payments.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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+1 on the Deep mind. The 6 voice tops the minilogues 4 voices (if thats a concern) and FX, but its not as good on the pure oscilators. The DM12 offers more voices than the Peaks 8 - but ditto the core sounds. The DM has 1.5 oscillators v the 3 on both minilogue and peak (and they both have more waveform options I believe - AND they both have FM capabilities of sorts (not sure in the DM). Its still a GREAT option for you though - after all its basically a Juno 60, which made a LOT of the recorded 80s synth sounds.

Im kicking myself for not suggesting it myself first ;)

Id pick one up myself - if I had space (ie width) - but sadly I dont :(
Mar 27, 2020
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Thanks for the additional recommendations! I think I've decided against the Keystep for now and focusing on synths to give me more overall capabilities. I'm doing some research right now on the Minilogue XD and Deepmind 6/12. Both look like good options.
Mar 27, 2020
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A more general question for you all since a lot of this is new to me. So, if I had something like the Minilogue or the Deepmind 12, and I connected it via a midi cable to my RD-800, can I play sounds from the synth using the RD-800 keybed and vice versa?


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Yes you can!

Just hook up MIDI OUT on the controller to MIDI IN on the synth and synchronize what channels you're using depending if you can split the RD into Zones and you can have synth bass on the left and piano on the right or whatever layer or split combos you'd like.

The reverse is also doable.

Not 100% sure if the arpeggiator on the Deepmind or Minilogue are controllable remotely though. You may have to check out the manual on that one.

Even so, downloading and skimming thru the manuals is always a good idea before pulling the trigger on a purchase.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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Again - the answer is generally yes.

My RD2000 weighted board can play my FA07s sounds, and my Peaks sounds, and my Argons sounds. My FA07 can play all the sounds as well - including my RD generated ones. The Arp on the FA07 can drive the Peaks sounds, and vica verca - but that bot would depend on the synth/board in question.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
The only caveat worth mentioning is if one of the boards has USB only and no DIN MIDI ports.

In that case you'd have to add a USB to MIDI Host controller or a computer in between to handle the MIDI Routing.

I know the Deepmind and Minilogue both have real DIN ports and I'm guessing the RD-800 has them as well so it's probably a non issue for your case.

Gary ;)

Music Bird

Foreign Music Genres Nerd
Apr 3, 2020
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Alexandria, Virginia
Minilogue older generation nails the Lets Go sound and others you’ve mentioned.
I’d say DeepMind or a VA synth like a Microkorg or Mininova would be better. Mininova has tons of polyphony and is really cheap too. I played in school band with the Mininova and a Moog Sub Phatty. Did you get to choose anything yet?

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