Absolutely! I'm new to the whole "forum" thing, but you're definitely right. So, I'll let everyone know what I did.
When you hit the record button on this model, it'll give you the option of MIDI or AUDIO recording. I went with MIDI, and when the light started flashing, I made sure I was on "New Data" as the track, and it automatically gives you a new "System Track" underneath it. You want to record your beats on this "System Track", which is what I've been doing. My problem was with recording the piano parts over it. So, this is what I'd recommend doing:
Before laying the additional tracks down, rename the original track and make a few copies of it in case you mess up. Then, pull up the track on which you want to record, hit the "Record" button on the top left of the keyboard, and it will automatically pull up that song instead of giving you a "New Data" track. The lights will continue to blink until you hit the blinking "play" button on the touch screen (which pretty much is the same thing as "record" when blinking). Here's where I was struggling. BEFORE you start recording, make sure the screen says "Recording Type New", and you'll want to change the "System Track" bar to "Solo Track". There are 16 solo tracks you can use on each song. If you stay on "System Track", you will record over the beat you just laid down, so don't forget to switch to whichever "Solo Track" on which you're recording. Once you do that, hit the blinking "play" button on the touch screen, and you will hear the original "System Track" start playing while you lay down you other track over it.

Remember to always switch "Solo Tracks" for each layer of the song. You have 16 of them! If not, you'll just record over your previous parts.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!