New York New York


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I am currently playing New York New York. I have got it sounding pretty good if I ask my self.

It's in the key of G to start with and the intro took a long time to get it right. I am using a brass ensemble . .
Da, Da .. Da De Da. .
Da, Da ..Da De Da then the melody "Start spreading the news . . ."

Anyway l don't have a backing in my MDB. (Psr s 650). So I experimented with some acpm sounds and would you believe the closest I can come up with is the quickstep! Believe me! I wound back the tempo from the std 180 to about 100. Weird eh! But it sounds okay. I tried ballads and 8 beats pop an rock . I tried foxtrot and some latin. but nothing comes near to the da da da de da except the slow version of the quickstep.

Just wanted to share that with you and if you have any suggestions for a better acpm sound please let me know. I am still the novice.

The song slows down at the end as we all know and the key changes to Gb would you believe and whole lot of weird chords. This took me a long time to learn.

I hope my little story did not bore you too much. Cheers

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