You are on the slippey road of GAS.
Adding a Synth will not be the end but another beginning,
A 61 / 76 key workstation will then be required,
Then a Mixer
A pair of Powered Monitors comes next
Then an 88 key digital piano/workstation
Then another synth
Then a drum machine
Then a better Arranger
Then a bigger House
Good Luck
Yep. My 3 year journey:
RD2000 to learn piano.
That sounds nice, but need a sub for the low end though - my Adam A5xs dont quite go low enough.. Yam HS8 sub
Great, need a synth as well - FA07.
Thats all good, but nothing analogue or with knobs - add a Peak.
Better - needs more polyphony for pads - Virus Ti2 desktop.
Oh - need sequencer as I cant play them all at once - Squarp Pyramid.
What about drums - Tr8s.
Nice - need better control than the FA offers when playing live - replace with a Fantom 7.
Hum - still dont have anything FULLY analogue - Deep Mind 12 Module.
No physical space left - needs VSTs to fill the few gaps , pick up some free ones plus Obsession and repro.
Oh - modular looks fun, but cant afford or have room for a real one - voltage modular VST.
Dont like using a mouse to sound design on the VSTs - need a midi controller, a small one. Hang on this looks perfect...and is a wavetable synth which I dont have - add Argon8 37 key.
Sounds good - but.... could be better. Replace monitors with Neumann KH120s, and the sub with a matching KH750.... Oh and the calibration mic to get the room right.
Nice - need to play when the wifes in bad on nights - Sennheiser HD650 headphones
Oh and a multi channel interface to record properly - Focusrite Scarlet 18i20.
Hum - those headphones out arnt that loud - thats the HD650 300 Ohm load. Entre Ifi ZenCan headphone amp...
Dont THINK Ive left anything out....... Now what will next week bring..