I’m trying to use my Axiom 49 to play my NC2X factory organ sounds. I can get other sounds to play (on channels 3 or 4) and can even get a couple organ sounds (pipe organ and reed organ at 0/19 and 0/20) but for Jazz organ, Drawbvib, and 888-pure, which should be at 0/17, 0/16, 0/18 (bank/program) there’s nothing. Any clues as to why or what to do? Any help is appreciated as I have a few songs that need more than 2 splits.
Experiment, try setting the organ on the NC2x to send on MIDI channel #1 and set the axiom to transmit (for those programs) also on MIDI channel #1.
I have seen specific software and hardware where the controls must be sent on MIDI channel 1. Case in point, Hammond. Their XM2 module can be set to any 3 consecutive channels in order to control upper manual, lower manual and pedals separately, however the controls for those manuals (drawbar, expression pedal, percussion, C/V) must be sent on Channel #1, even if the unit is set to receive on channels 3,4 and 5. It's stupid but reality, it took me a while to figure this out when I had my XM2, then once I figured out what was going on I wrote Hammond and they confirmed controllers always must be sent on Channel 1 regardless of the other settings.
Here is the note from 8 years ago from Hammond:
Hello Dave
To answer your question in your second paragraph: Based on our tests here, continuous controller data is sent out on MIDI Channel 1 only. Therefore, although you can set the Upper, Lower and Pedal on whatever channel you wish, that only represents Note and Velocity data, not Controller data.