Hi guys, first post here.
I play guitar in some bands, but might be doing some keys stuff eventually. Here's my dilemma:
I have a Casio WK3700 or some similar keyboard... sounds awful. I use the organ tones and some electric keyboards playing mostly funk type stuff. I know it's possible to use the midi outs on it to hook it up to a laptop to get better sounds, but this wouldn't be my ideal gigging situation.
Is there a piece of hardware I can use instead of the laptop to get real-ish (not toy sounding) organ sounds? Can I salvage this board somehow, or do I really just need to buy a big boy keyboard to get big boy tones?
As a bonus question... is using my regular guitar tube amp (Fender Hot Rod Deluxe) an option for keyboard amplification? Thanks!
I play guitar in some bands, but might be doing some keys stuff eventually. Here's my dilemma:
I have a Casio WK3700 or some similar keyboard... sounds awful. I use the organ tones and some electric keyboards playing mostly funk type stuff. I know it's possible to use the midi outs on it to hook it up to a laptop to get better sounds, but this wouldn't be my ideal gigging situation.
Is there a piece of hardware I can use instead of the laptop to get real-ish (not toy sounding) organ sounds? Can I salvage this board somehow, or do I really just need to buy a big boy keyboard to get big boy tones?
As a bonus question... is using my regular guitar tube amp (Fender Hot Rod Deluxe) an option for keyboard amplification? Thanks!