Spanish Fly


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I am agog today!!! o_O

I looked at my Youtube stats today and saw my monthly hits on my entire portfolio is over 750 hits this past month.

Who knows? Maybe they'll write me a $6.00 USD check if I break a thousand hits.

If you are serious about putting your music on the medium of the future these days, (I'm not interested in Spotify, Soundcloud, etc... [They simply do their best to screw the artist these days])

I think we as artists, have no other option than to master the visual arts to whatever degree possible, creating as much of a visual show as any performance artist. { Laurie Anderson, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne, Kraftwerk, etc...}

The age of old fashioned record labels has downsized and streamlined itself to a larcenous degree these days, exploiting dreams of wealth and stardom while picking your pocket at every opportunity.

Like L Ron Hubbard once said: "Only an idiot expects to get rich at $0.05 a word."

But with streaming media, language is the key to power.

Choosing a proper title and keywords.

And most importantly? Novelty!!!

Do everything you can to stir up a buzz as frequently and as comfortably as possible.

I've been posting my stuff here and on Mastering V.A.S.T. religiously looking mainly for peer review of my progress.

I guess I owe you guys all a huge thanks for all your support over the years.

Definitely could not have done it without you. 😁

Thank You.

Gary G.

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