Stuck inside with my Roland E96 and Nord Grand in these isolation times

Apr 25, 2020
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Thanks for this nice forum. I am mainly playing with my Nord Grand today. It has no arranger or metronome. But the sound and touch easily makes up for the lack of an arranger.

I also had time to fix the chipped keys on my trusty Roland E96 arranger that had been covering dust. Now it has a brand new GOTEK USB drive instead of the ole floppy. This upgrade made the keyboard so much fun to use. I am now creating a separate floppy image for every 8 songs. The nice thing is that it is easy to download the user styles as a set for all 8 user styles available. You can also store a separate small set of 3 times 8 songs in the performance memory.

The reason why I still use the Roland E96 is that I am writing music for computer games for retro computers. Here the important thing is that you need to repeat patterns to save space. Playing around with the arranger is perfect for reaching this goal.

The problem is that almost all basic rhythms are "taken". Beethoven took the ...- (di di di dah, di di di dah). Mozart got (di dah). And so on.

For my upcoming game I decided on a complex rhythm that I hope is unique. It is (dah di dah di, dah dah di daa). Right now I have it in a funk version which is great for upbeat action. Today I have been working on the same rhythm in a minor chord sequence for "coffee shop" Bossanova style. It turned out really nice.

Here is a snapshot of my game entry for Atari Lynx:
Screenshot from 2019-08-08 23-32-44.png

I also have a small image of the action:

Screenshot from 2019-10-08 06-30-47.png
Screenshot from 2019-08-08 23-33-14.png


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Frankly if you are designing rhythms and polyrhythms then you should consider picking up an Arturia Beatstep Pro to use as your sequencer.

I sort of welcomed you in the other thread but I'll say hi again.

Keep us posted on your work.

Gary ;)
Apr 25, 2020
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Thanks for the tip. I am currently integrating a Novation Launchpad with a STM32 microcontroller to allow me to use the target game console as the instrument. I also realized that I am too old-fashioned with my keyboard so hopefully I learn something while playing with the pads. I did have some fun with Ableton. But the Lynx use polynomic generated sounds only so I need to write some code to tie the console to the pad.

I actually hacked the Launchpad and designed my own logic of how to use it.
Screenshot from 2020-03-26 07-13-13.png

Plus a smaller version for the target console screen.
Screenshot from 2020-04-10 19-27-04.png

I did add very similar functions to what I saw in that Arturia video clip. Basically the buttons play arranger style instrument clips (from my Roland E96 styles).
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Aug 13, 2021
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I have a Roland e 96 and I wrote to you in previous forum for help I did all you mentioned and still stuck with insert music disk and press play I tried all jumper settings , I tried to upgrade the soft ware but still nothing can you you kindly help..thanks
Apr 25, 2020
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The important thing is to have the right files on the USB stick. If you send me an email to karri @ sipo dot fi
I can email you the USB image that works on a e96. I have actually two e96 units working already.

PS. The jumpers don't have any real function. They just signal what configurations should be applied in the firmware. The CFG files can override the jumpers.

So we should start by getting an exact copy of a working USB stick. Then we know if the fault is with the firmware as the USB stick is correct. You can use any USB stick. The brand does not matter. I have even used SSD disks connected via an USB adapter.
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