Almost Zip!
I had about 6 months of lessons in primary school grade 3 on a chord organ my parents bought for me (couldn't afford them electone things!!) ~ and that was it.
The rest was "follow the lights" on a Casiotone MT-800 decades later (in high school) as well as getting back to figuring out that everything I learnt for the chord organ (basically a piano accordion with an electric air pump) was usable on the casiotone (chords on LH, melody on RH).
When I discovered synths and MIDI, I started composing and sequencing (on a Yammy QX7 which I still own!)
Oddly enough, while I was sequencing (using my synth as a midi keyboard) I actually got better at playing as well as figuring out what sounded "nice'.
So to this day, I play largely by ear.
Being self taught on a synth means my posture, hand shape and all else is apparently atrocious (so my piano trained wife tells me....) and true, I can get about 10 minutes out of a mini grand before my fingers seize.....
Same for guitar - I was interested in the sound (effects) more than playing (to add to my recordings), so I bought one while I was at uni - only recently did I start actually getting into playing chords
...and to top it off, a few months ago, someone asked me if I wanted a drum kit...... another interesting challenge!!
The Y-man
p.s. IMHO, if you can play keyboard, you can play drums (ok, that's a serious generalization right there - but pianos and guitar are technically percussion instruments). I suspect most keyboardists can do things with their left hand, right hand and feet independently - voila! Drummer in the making.
p.p.s. Ok, so I am hoping God sends down a Bass Guitar next....