iOS6 and Core midi not working properly

Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lavington Australia
Has anyone noticed that using the iPad with iOS6 connected via the camera connection kit is no longer muting the on board sounds of the keyboard but playing them with the sounds from the iPad? With my Casio WK7500 I was able to connect the iPad and for example play the tones within Garage Band and only hear those tones now the keyboard tones play as well.
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lavington Australia
Turning local midi off fixed the issue as the keyboard sound has to be on as I feed the sound from the iPad through the Casio therefore that was why the tones from Casio played as well. Apologies for my error. When I was first playing around using the camera connection kit and my iPad I had a Yamaha PSR S500 which did not allow for the sound of the iPad to be feed back into the keyboard so I was using an external speaker instead and I now recall that I did turn the sound down on the keyboard. But I bought the Casio a couple of weeks ago and was pleased that I could feed the sound through the keyboard I was not aware of using local midi off to turn the keyboard tones off. Now that that is possible it makes using the iPad as a sound device very interesting. There are quite a few apps that work well with the camera connection kit such as Sample Tank which has an excellent collection of sounds that are better than the Casio (which may not surprise some). I do think many of the tones on the Casio WK7500 are very good and I dare say are better than the Yamaha PSR S500 as I can do a direct comparison. I now don't think it is an issue with iOS 6 just me!
If I had paid attention to this video from YouTube I would not have made my mistake:

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