Searching for keyboard from memory

Apr 27, 2011
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I am on the search for a keyboard (I think). I know, from memory, vaguely what it looks like, and I'd like to find out what keyboard it was exactly, if possible.

My dad had bought the keyboard for himself, and I remember that we used to fool around on it some times when I was very young. When my parents divorced he took it with him.

I am no keyboard player. We have some crappy thing now standing around which isn't mine, but I do like to fool around on it from time to time. But I would like to find out at least which keyboard it was that my father had.
The problem is, he has been dead for over 6 years now, and no one knows what happened to the keyboard.

All I remember is:
It was black, or possibly dark grey I guess.
It had some green, long/thin buttons.
I think it also had one or more of these buttons, but colored red, and possibly also other color(s).
I think (some of) those long buttons were placed "vertically".
I'm not fully certain, but I think the voices were written on the keyboard, like you see often.
It wasn't very organically shaped, like modern keyboard sometimes are; it was very rectangular. Mainly straight edges.
I think it must have had 2 speakers, possibly next to the keys, but they could have been above them as well.

What my mom still knows:
It must have been bought prior to 1984; probably early 80's, or even late 70's.
She says it wasn't very cheap... But that's of course subjective.
She says it was some relatively well-known brand.
It might have had only 3 or 4 octaves.

This is all I can think of right now. I know it's not much. I play drums, but if someone asked me what set they were looking at and it had such and such color and configuration, I most likely wouldn't know either, but I hope this can at least narrow my search down a bit.

Thanks! (Sorry for the lengthy post)

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