Triton Rack?

Nov 2, 2007
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This is prolly a good question for elwood since he seems to be the "korg guy" of the forum...although anyone else's opinion is also welcome..

Anyway, i bought a Roland Juno G about 2 weeks ago....i dont think i like it...i could learn to live with it as i have already purchased an orhestral expansion board that was another 250.00 on top of the price of the board.:eek:

But i thought about maybe selling it and buying a triton rack. I already have a motif es rack and a kurzweil pc2r rack...I use alot of orhestral sounds ie;brass, strings, wind etc...I'm real paticular about how realistic the sounds are when recorded...I make intrumental music and tracks for other people, so it would be used in a studio envornment...I also would like to know about the accoustic guitar sounds in the triton

Ayone have any ideas or if not the triton, something similar for around a grand or so!

thanks for the replys in advance

Oct 14, 2007
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Toms River,N.J.
Triton rack? The Triton series has been around for at least 12 years,so there are different models in the Triton series.Which one would you be referring to?
I had one Korg rack module several years ago,but it was not from the Triton series & I am not a big fan of rack modules in general,so I don't really have any input to offer you.

I don't even know if Korg came out with an Extreme module and besides which,the only Korg module that is available new(so far as I know),is the M3 rack.

I'm guessing that you had come across a used rack module somewhere?

I know that the Korg M3 module goes for $2,000,so you may prefer just to spend the extra $500 & get the 61 note keyboard.

Sorry I could not be of more help to you.

Good luck in your quest,

Nov 2, 2007
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yes, i run my racks midied together and drive them with one keyboard....midi out of the keyboard to midi in of the motif rack...then midi thru, from the motif to midi in of my kurzweil rack....with this setup, i can play any sound from any source from one keyboard


btw...theres different ways you can acheive might want a different setup in a stage setting....but in my studio with a patchbay to control the "audio" outputs of the racks and keyboard, the setup above is what i use....just remember midi is the manipulation of "data", not actual sound..(although the data produces the sound) that clear as mud??:eek:
Nov 2, 2007
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yes, the triton rack was used....after further research of the rack, I'm probably better off to hang on to the Juno for now....if for nothing else, the difference in the "timeframe" of the technology difference since the triton is a little outdated now

thanks for the response

Nov 13, 2007
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NW Florida
okay, I see you already use the Motif, outta curiosty if you don't mind, what do you use for your main keyboard?

Would there be any disadvantages for me using a midi keyboard and the motif rack instead of a reg combined sythesizer? Sorry for the dumber than dumb questions this is new to me and its interesting. Also would adding a laptop and s/w be easier using this setup?
Nov 2, 2007
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One real disadvantage of a midi keyboard to drive a sound module is the fact of having 2 pieces of gear...takes up more space, cables stands etc....I wouldnt buy a midi "controller" keyboard....a midi controller dosent have any sounds of its own....its only purpose is to play the sounds of other sound me, thats a waste of money unless your playin live and have a bunch of rack modules to run.....As far a a computer goes, depending on what keyboard gear you buy, will make a difference as to weather or not you need a computer and what kind...then you have to buy the software for it and all that can get quite expensive

The other option would be to get a workstation with a built in sequencer.....with a workstation, you can take a song from start to finish..all the way from recording it, mix it, save the file to a computer, and then make an audio disc on the computer.This way, you eliminate the expense of a "recording" worthy computer and save some money.....there are alot of options out there depending on what your trying to do and what your budget is

If you like the motif rack sounds, i think there still selling for around 1100.00 new. Then you still need a keyboard

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