When stuff gets under your keys

Oct 1, 2007
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I was playing my keyboard when I noticed a 'click' sound when I played the D after Middle C. Some kind of little object had gotten under the key!

I picked up the keyboard, turned it upside down and shook it. Sure enough, the little object was shaken away & the key sounded fine.

Only trouble is, that little thing is still floating around somewhere inside my keyboard's guts. I don't like that idea. What if it gets inside something important & screws it up?

How do you prevent crap from getting inside your keybd, and if it does, what can you do about it? I'm not sure I feel like taking this to a service tech as it's not really a problem right now. Also not sure how practical it is to think about opening the board up.

Crap getting under the keys is usually the nemesis of any piano!!
Jul 18, 2007
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You can always open your keyboard and look for it. It takes you a few minutes and you can't do much wrong. And you don't have to worry that much. Most of the keyboards have vital parts separated from the keys so whatever gets in there stays under the keys and can't get into the mainboard etc...
Oct 1, 2007
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You can always open your keyboard and look for it. It takes you a few minutes and you can't do much wrong. And you don't have to worry that much. Most of the keyboards have vital parts separated from the keys so whatever gets in there stays under the keys and can't get into the mainboard etc...

Oh. The vendors/mfgs say if you open the keybd it voids the warranty and could lead to all sorts of terrible things like electrocution etc:eek:.

I guess that's just a way of covering their butts?
Jul 18, 2007
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Oh. The vendors/mfgs say if you open the keybd it voids the warranty and could lead to all sorts of terrible things like electrocution etc:eek:.

I guess that's just a way of covering their butts?

Hahaha... first of all - if you have an IQ above 40 you'll know to unplug the power cable before doing ANYTHING :D

Second, most of home keyboards come with a 9/12V adapter. If it hits you... well... you'll shake up a bit, but nothing more hehe.

If you have a brand new keyboard cover your ears and keep on playing... if your warranty is over, just open the thing and clean it up...

Electrocution... LOL

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