

The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all,

My name is Jimmy Eyckmans and I am a man from Belgium who after years of producing has gone back to his first love: the arranger keyboard.
On the moment I am in the possesion of 4 arranger keyboards: My old Roland E600 which I used when I was a little kid and 3 more recent ones: Casio CT-X 5000, Korg EK-50L and Yamaha PSR SX 700. More will probably follow in the next months since I am in love with them.
But what do I do with them? Well I create chordprogressions with the styles. Just chordprogressions. I try to create some kind of melody with what is allready there. I do not play a melody, I just use chords.
I try to make a chordprogressions with each style, if I like the style enough, I am not picky but sometimes I do not like the style at all and then I rather skip it.
I have started with my old keyboard, the Roland E600.
Now this can be funny and ridiculous and I might become the center of laughing at but I find IMMENSE joy in doing this. I do this for fun and not to become famous or make money since people will rather want to laugh with what I do anyway. I find joy in what I do. A joy I never found in producing.
I have created a website which I update in real time. Whenever I make a chordprogression I add it to the website. There is an option to download the ones you like for free.
I always start from style number one and go to the last style. With the Roland E600 that means I started with the pop genre. I skipped a few styles in the Ballad genre but I am back at it since there is still a lot to do with them. I had a bad day yesterday and skipped most of them and went on to the Rock genre. Today is a better day and I find more inspiration to fullfill the Ballad genre. Its almost done and then I will go to Rock again and see if there is something I can still use.
Remember that this arranger keyboard is over 25 years old so the styles are old to. Still find joy in creating chordprogressions with them.
Since the journey of an arranger keyboard ends when I used all styles, I also want to use the Roland E600 (money saving) I know now allready I will be buying more arranger keyboards then I can play on in the future.
I will however keep to the cheaper ones since I will not use it anymore when all styles are done.
The Yamaha PSR SX700 is an exeption since I did not know at that time what the future would bring. I will however eventually also use that arranger keyboard.
Buying new ones will go from price range 200 to 800 euro, depending on the funds I have.
You can find all chordprogression tracks on my website. You can leave a comment on the homepage but please be kind.
Other then that you are free to download all tracks you like! It's free and I am sure there will be something to your liking!


The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
I use my real name, show knowledge of keyboards and I have a real picture of myself. Yes I am a spammer. Stupid people. I aint a spammer. Thank you for treathing me very badly by accusing me of stuff I have nothing to do with.
Apr 27, 2022
Reaction score
I understand your use of progressions, as I, too, discovered progressions when being introduced to arps about five years ago. Was a whole new world for me and it was proving to be quite a challenge as well as enjoyable. It somewhat kept me sane as I navigated thru the political upheaval going on in the US at that time. Still do have an affinity with those arp sounds.


The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
I understand your use of progressions, as I, too, discovered progressions when being introduced to arps about five years ago. Was a whole new world for me and it was proving to be quite a challenge as well as enjoyable. It somewhat kept me sane as I navigated thru the political upheaval going on in the US at that time. Still do have an affinity with those arp sounds.
I only do it because it gives me immense joy. I am happy while creating chordprogressions with the style of an arranger keyboard.
I try to create something original each time, which can become very difficult since there is not an endless supply of chords...
I do not really do this to impress people, its better for me to go back to producing then, but with producing I never felt that joy, only hate and stubborness.
Hate in the sense of not being happy about my mix, the need to constantly change things and stubborness of not wanting to give it up, even if it would set me free.

Well, somehow I decided to use my arranger keyboard again and I guess I fell in love again with the simplicity. I am not aiming to be recognised as an amazing artist, for me its about the joy I feel when creating.
Since I am a Christian, I am always on the search for the joy, I get it from praying and now also from creating chordprogressions with my arranger keyboards. So I will continue on this path.

My producing was done with a lot of arps, I can show a few songs and I am sure many of you will not understand why I go back to arranger keyboard, I however hated every part of it, except the playing of the track, audio design wise I hated it immensely.
So I am glad I got rid of that.
Apr 27, 2022
Reaction score
I like your transparency and analogy of how and why you changed methods of making music. I totally relate as to the source of your inspiration and where your creativity comes from. Been there done that.
Apr 27, 2022
Reaction score
I only do it because it gives me immense joy. I am happy while creating chordprogressions with the style of an arranger keyboard.
I try to create something original each time, which can become very difficult since there is not an endless supply of chords...
I do not really do this to impress people, its better for me to go back to producing then, but with producing I never felt that joy, only hate and stubborness.
Hate in the sense of not being happy about my mix, the need to constantly change things and stubborness of not wanting to give it up, even if it would set me free.

Well, somehow I decided to use my arranger keyboard again and I guess I fell in love again with the simplicity. I am not aiming to be recognised as an amazing artist, for me its about the joy I feel when creating.
Since I am a Christian, I am always on the search for the joy, I get it from praying and now also from creating chordprogressions with my arranger keyboards. So I will continue on this path.

My producing was done with a lot of arps, I can show a few songs and I am sure many of you will not understand why I go back to arranger keyboard, I however hated every part of it, except the playing of the track, audio design wise I hated it immensely.
So I am glad I got rid of that.
Oops guess I should have responded directly. My bad!


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I didn't click on the link for fear of the unknown . . Virus Infected maybe?
Above is what I said.
I am always cautious. All you need to do in my case is assure me of safety. I have been caught before.
it doesn't mean thatI you are a spammer. I never said that.

I welcome you Jim. As @Biggles said "stick with us"

I can see now it is your own website and you have put a lot of work into it. Well done and I will explore it further. Thanks mate.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I actually clicked on your link Jim.
I got a warning that I need to open it outside facebook and do I want to proceed?
I don't use Facebook and now I am faced with a red flag.
So we have a problem. . .don't you reckon?


The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
I actually clicked on your link Jim.
I got a warning that I need to open it outside facebook and do I want to proceed?
I don't use Facebook and now I am faced with a red flag.
So we have a problem. . .don't you reckon
I know nothing about that. WHy do you need to open it outside facebook if the link is here on keyboardforums??? I do not even know what you are talking about. I shared the link on facebook, no one has reported any problem.
Its made with jouwweb service. There are NO virusses on it. Man...

It however is possible that sometimes it shows that message because for some reason the safe connection is gone. I had it once happen to me too. I do not know how that is possible, it has something to do with jouwweb service I think. I never proceeded then and tried later again and then the safe connection was back.

Another thing is that if you dont install and run anything you can not get a virus, its in a install file...
You can however be hacked if you press certain links, but these links then ask you to give in information (they act like a fake bank website or something like that) once you enter your pasword and login the hacker has it.

These are the only forms of virus and hacking I know. You can not get a virus from clicking a link to my knowledge, only by installing a program...

I pay for the package and this, I looked it up just now, gives a safe connection and a ssl cerificate and dnssec for my domain.

Jouwweb is a service for which you can get a custom domainname, like mine, and the buildingblocks for a website (drag and drop)
its costs me 13€ a month. Its a normal service. I would send you the website but you would freak out again because its a link...

Just search for jouwweb but its a dutch webprovider site so you would probably not understand one letter about it.

Its to build a website and if you take pro package, which I have, you get a custom domainname which you can choose yourself (if its still available) I choose jimmyeyckmansthemusic room since Jimmy Eyckmans is my name.
Last edited:


The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
I made a video to show you the safe connection is THE SAME as on this website: Let's encrypt.
So if my website is boogy then this one is too

The only difference is the trackers thing next to it, the shield, this is red with me because my website does not contain trackers. So there is no need to block them.
On this website the shield is blue because it has trackers and they are disabled.

Thats really the only difference...



Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Hey Jim,
Let's chill out man.
I don't have a problem with your credibility.

I have seen your sound cloud clips and they are indeed high grade and professionally top class to my ears. Well done indeed.
As for the chord progression website link, it didnt work for me when I clicked on it.
I want it to work for me since I have an Arranger and I can see a use for me.

My computer skills are limited and is why I get scared off and extra cautious.
I don't have a problem now and I am convinced you are safe.

I just need to work out how to connect and get good use of your resource to enhance my playing.

I will explore further.
Thanks for your input.
Best regards


The King of the Sofa
Feb 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hey Jim,
Let's chill out man.
I don't have a problem with your credibility.

I have seen your sound cloud clips and they are indeed high grade and professionally top class to my ears. Well done indeed.
As for the chord progression website link, it didnt work for me when I clicked on it.
I want it to work for me since I have an Arranger and I can see a use for me.

My computer skills are limited and is why I get scared off and extra cautious.
I don't have a problem now and I am convinced you are safe.

I just need to work out how to connect and get good use of your resource to enhance my playing.

I will explore further.
Thanks for your input.
Best regards
Thats really weird... I am able to go to the website without a problem... Some people allready been there too because I see that they downloaded some of the tracks... so I really think this is on your end a problem but I would not know what at all...

Just visit my soundcloud then, all tracks are on there too but the difference is that the website is categorized. So its easier to find a certain genre...

I am sorry, really but I keep getting accused by cross eyes and I do not like it. I do not understand what is so weird about me domain name.

If its the .be then I can answer that too: .be is the landcode, so it means the website is from Belgium. I can choose whatever I want, .nl but that means its from netherlands. I could also use .com.
In the end I took .be simply because I am from belgium...

So I do not understand what is so dodgy about it. Search on facebook for Jimmy Eyckmans from Belgium and you will find the exact same picture... So I do not understand really. I do however find it weird you have problems with the website... I just went to it and there is no problem for me so thats weird.

Thing is, when people do this stuff to me I become uncertain and a bit afraid and then I want to drop the website to be sure to not harm anyone.

In the end that is NOT necessary but its something I have to live with: I can be VERY uncertain.

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