Ferrofish B4000+ - any good compared to Roland RD2000/FA07 sounds?

Feb 14, 2018
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So, I have both an FA07 and an RD2000. I find the organ sounds lacking on both. The RD sounds really meaty, but lacks a little permissiveness and the editing isnt as deep as the FA, so I cant change that. The FA has a much lighter/less full sound and lacks physical draw bars - though it has a much deeper editing capability.

In truth Id be happy with the RDs sounds if I could edit them to the depth of the FA - but I cant.

I cant go Nord for organ sounds and the electro and stage are both lacking on the orchestral front - and in the electos case on the synth front as well.

Im considering a separate Organ only module - the Ferrofish and the Yahama Reface YC seem to be the only two about. Im wondering if either will be an improvement on what I have (no point if it isnt).

At a later date, Im thinking of replacing the FA07 with a prophet x - which I think will do the orchestral stuff better than the FA, and will obviously do the synth stuff better. I dont need the sequencing facility (though the ability to write my own arp patterns is a bonus, but a small thing to loose).

Organ sounds are my main concern though - live I tend to live on piano and organ - with the odd strings or pad sound.

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