2 Ensoniq SQ-1plus keyboards. Midi sees only one.

Apr 22, 2022
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What do I need to get to allow midi to see both keyboards set on different channels. Right now, midi sees only one, but both will play, causing issues. Both are great keyboards for midi, separately.
Apr 4, 2012
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you need a midi merge box. one of its functions is to keep the midi channel data streams 'separated' by channel. many keyboards and peripherals today do not do the midi merge function.
right now the data is being jumbled together causing your issue. i'm assuming you are talking 5 pin Midi since the SQ1 did not have USB midi.

One other thing to note: the above midi merge box requires power. some keyboards power devices via the 5 pin, some do not. midi PC3 supplies power, my M-Audio and Generalmusic keys do not. my generalmusic does midi merge (which is rare to find this functionality in a keyboard nowadays), M-audio neither does 5-pin midi merge nor supplies power to a midi merge box. if the ensoniq's dont supply midi power to the midi merge box you will also need to purchase a power adapter to power the midi merge box

Here's an 'unofficial' list of keyboard models that need a separate power box. i can tell you that the list is not accure nor up to date, so beware tht you might need to invest in the power box regardless of what the list tells you:
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Jun 25, 2010
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What do I need to get to allow midi to see both keyboards set on different channels. Right now, midi sees only one, but both will play, causing issues. Both are great keyboards for midi, separately.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it sounds like you have both keyboards set to the same MIDI channel, or to Omni. That would be a setting to change in one or both of the SQ-1 keyboards.
Apr 22, 2022
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I've got them both set to different midi channels (ch1 and ch3) but if not omni, what should I set each of them to? Multi, poly, monoA, monoB? Not sure what each of those settings do. But if I have the two keyboards set to different midi channels, isn't that enough?

I've also purchased a merger, as was suggested above, but it has no affect. Actually, I'm using the latest version of Reaper and it only sees one SQ-1. I have another keyboard and it sees that one fine, but only one SQ-1. I've tested...it will see each one individually, but not together. I'm confused as to what I need to do.

I do have orchestra software that I run within Reaper and it works fine. It has it's own midi channel settings and I can set any of the three keyboards to any of the 16 midi channels and play any of the orchestra software sounds. but, I have other VSTi sounds that I want to use one of the keyboards for. Unfortunately, when I set them up, I get multiple keyboards playing the same sound. I think Reaper only sees these keyboards as one, even with then set at different midi channels. And it could be that I'm missing a setting somewhere.

The orchestra software works great. I can set any of the three keyboards to play individual sounds, like midi should do. Is Reaper maybe not capable of using two or three midi keyboards at once, except when the software has it's own system setup, like my orchestra software does?

Let me know, if you need any more info. Thanks!
Jun 25, 2010
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What do I need to get to allow midi to see both keyboards set on different channels. Right now, midi sees only one, but both will play, causing issues. Both are great keyboards for midi, separately.
Just to clarify the basic scenario here, how are the keyboards connected? My guess was that you were plugging both keyboards individually into the USB ports of a computer (either directly or through a hub), using 5-pin MIDI-to-USB interfaces (since, as Dave said, your keyboards do not have USB on them), and now that you've mentioned Reaper, you've confirmed that you are indeed connecting to a computer (as opposed to some other kind of device), but if you are connecting some way other than through a direct 5-pin-to-USB connection from each keyboard, that would be helpful to know, to be certain I'm not missing anything here, e.g. if there's some other kind of multi-port MIDI routing device between the keyboards and the computer.

you need a midi merge box. one of its functions is to keep the midi channel data streams 'separated' by channel. many keyboards and peripherals today do not do the midi merge function.
right now the data is being jumbled together causing your issue.
I can't think of any scenario where the data could be jumbled, no matter how the two keyboards are connected. What kind of connection are you thinking of, where that could happen?

I've got them both set to different midi channels (ch1 and ch3) but if not omni, what should I set each of them to?
Omni means that something will receive on all channels. So I was thinking that maybe that was causing one of these keyboards to play even when you weren't sending it something on its designated channel. But I forgot that SQ-1 is multi-timbral, so presumably it would normally receive on all channels no matter what (but playing different things accordingly, instead of playing the same thing no mater what). So ignore my suggestion about omni. ;-)

I'm using the latest version of Reaper and it only sees one SQ-1. I have another keyboard and it sees that one fine, but only one SQ-1. I've tested...it will see each one individually, but not together. I'm confused as to what I need to do.

I do have orchestra software that I run within Reaper and it works fine...I can set any of the three keyboards to play individual sounds, like midi should do. Is Reaper maybe not capable of using two or three midi keyboards at once, except when the software has it's own system setup, like my orchestra software does?
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Reaper or the orchestra software. But here are some thoughts I have, which I admit, are total guesses.

... you mentioned you have one set to channel 1 and one set to channel 3. Since channel 1 also often does double duty as a "global" channel, maybe avoid using that, and take the one that's on channel 1 and set it for channel 2 or 4 or some other unused channel.

... since the SQ-1 is multi-timbral, even if an SQ-1 is set to transmit on (for example) channel 3, it still may receive on all 16 channels, so it can still be responding to MIDI that the computer is sending on the channel you've associated with the other SQ-1. Maybe you can make sure that, on a given SQ-1, the sounds associated with the undesired channels (i.e. all channels except channel 3 on the unit you've designated to channel 3) are set to silent patches or somehow set to not receive on those other channels. I don't know what flexibility the SQ-1 has regarding these things. (Note that it's possible that a silent patch can still use polyphony depending on how you do it, so that's something else to be aware of.)

... if each SQ-1 is being connected through its own 5-pin MIDI-to-USB interface (which is in turn connected to the computer), are you using the same brand/model of interface for each unit? If so, maybe try putting different models of interfaces on each SQ-1. I'm wondering if maybe the two interfaces are identifying themselves as identical to the computer, and so the computer is not differentiating between them.

Like I said, total guesses, I can be entirely off base, but who knows, maybe something there can help.
Apr 22, 2022
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Well, I'm sorry to say nothing worked. My midi skills are about mid level, so some things are above me. But, the SQ has old school settings and I don't know if any of them would help. I know it can send and receive commands. I had the two DQs set to channels 4 and 5, but no difference. The other keyboard I have set at 3.
I should say I think this is a Reaper issue more than a midi issue. There is nothing wrong with either SQ, so Reaper should see them. Using the midi merge box, should also help with that. I have a 5 in 2 out USB powered box.
If someone wants to send more options on what I can try, I'll let you know how I have things set up. I have three keyboards. Two of them SQ1 plus. One is the 32 voice and the other is the 16 voice. Reaper does not see the two SQs together, but it will see each individually.. The other keyboard Reaper sees just fine. It's a cheaper keyboard (plastic shell) but I can change touch sensitive commands, midi channel selection and other minor midi controls with it. Basically, all three keyboards are midi controllers.
My orchestra software is great. I bought it way back in 2010. It works fine within Reaper, but is basically independent of Reaper controls meaning it has its own midi setup in the modules and I can control any orchestra sounds on any of the 16 midi channels on ANY of the three keyboards. I can load three modules and have all three keyboards playing up to 10 orchestra sounds. Any more and my memory limits cause Reaper to crash. But, I don't see 30 sounds as a limitation.
I also purchased Addictive Keys several years ago. It also is great. It has quite a few different piano sounds. But, there is a problem with that software in that when I select a piano sound, every keyboard will play the sound, no matter what midi channel they are set at. I've tried to send the piano sound to just one midi channel. Within Reaper, I select "force to midi channel 3" for instance, but nothing works. When evern the piano is select, I have three of them. No midi issues during this. They all play just fine. I just don't need three pianos.
I also have hundreds of freebee VSTi sounds. They act just like Addictive Keys does. When I select a sound, all three keyboards will play it. It an be a nice effect every so often, but not at all what I want on a normal basis. Playing live, you want to be able to select one sound for one keyboard, just like midi is suppose to do.
Again, I think this is a Reaper issue. But to get help from Reaper people, I have to buy their software. I don't mind doing that, but I'd like to know that the software is going to work for my situation, first. Reaper does have a small footprint as far as DAWs go. I had Qbase for a while,l but it is a memory hog. If anybody has a suggestion of a midi friendly DAW that is light on memory use, I'd be willing to get it a try. I'm not stuck on Reaper. It's worked up to this point, but now that I'm trying to get everything to work at once, to play on stage, it's starting to be come a pain to deal with.
Sorry for the length of this. If anybody has any smarts on any of this, I'm willing to try whatever suggested. And if you need more clarification, I can do that, too. Just ask.
Thanks for all of your help up to now and any that comes in the future.
Jun 25, 2010
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I have a 5 in 2 out USB powered box.
I don't know what that is.

Again, I think this is a Reaper issue. But to get help from Reaper people, I have to buy their software. I don't mind doing that, but I'd like to know that the software is going to work for my situation, first. Reaper does have a small footprint as far as DAWs go. I had Qbase for a while,l but it is a memory hog. If anybody has a suggestion of a midi friendly DAW that is light on memory use, I'd be willing to get it a try. I'm not stuck on Reaper. It's worked up to this point, but now that I'm trying to get everything to work at once, to play on stage, it's starting to be come a pain to deal with.
If this is for playing on stage (as opposed to multitrack recording) I wouldn't use a DAW at all. To use multiple keyboards to trigger a combination of their own sounds and VSTs, try the free demo of Gig Performer. Other apps designed for this kind of thing are Camelot Pro, Cantabile (PC only), Mainstage (Mac only).
Apr 22, 2022
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My setup has been for multi track recording in the past, but plan on taking things out on stage in the near future. That's what started all of this. I will for sure look into these different programs for triggering keyboard and VST sounds. I'm on a PC, by the way. Thanks for this info. I do appreciate it.

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