I have the following problem with MuseScore 4 of all versions released so far. On a Yamaha DGX-660 , which I have connected to my Windous 10 64-bit co

Jan 3, 2024
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Mám nasledujúci problém s MuseScore 4 všetkých verzií, ktoré boli doteraz vydané. Na Yamaha DGX-660 , ktorý som pripojil k svojmu 64-bitovému počítaču Windous 10 pomocou kábla USB, nemôžem zadávať poznámky do MuseScore 4. Program sa zahryzne, keď sa pokúsim nastaviť toto GrandPiano ako predvolené zariadenie na zadávanie poznámok cez Midi a nedá sa nijako opustiť. Musí reštartovať celý počítač. Mám tiež externú zvukovú kartu M-Audio Air 192/6 pripojenú k počítaču cez USB kábel, ktorý má tiež MIDI IN/OUT. Ako zabezpečím fungovanie zadávania poznámok v MuseScore 4? Pripomínam, že mám nainštalované ovládače USB Yamaha, ale sú z roku 2015. Na webovej stránke Yamaha nie je žiadna iná. V opačnom prípade v MuseScore 3 a Cubase Elements 13 všetko funguje bez problémov. Prosím, poraďte mi, ako tento problém vyriešiť.
Mar 5, 2021
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have the following problem with MuseScore 4 of all versions released so far. I can't input notes into MuseScore 4 on a Yamaha DGX-660 connected to my 64-bit Windous 10 computer via USB. The program crashes when I try to set this GrandPiano as the default Midi input device and there's no way leave. It has to restart the whole computer. I also have an external M-Audio Air 192/6 sound card connected to my computer via a USB cable, which also has MIDI IN/OUT. How do I make annotation work in MuseScore 4? As a reminder, I have the Yamaha USB drivers installed, but they are from 2015. There is no other one on the Yamaha website. Otherwise, everything works fine in MuseScore 3 and Cubase Elements 13. Please advise me how to solve this problem.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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You should probably contact the developers of MuseScore to tell them about the crashing and ask them for help. Your post seems to imply that you've used the earlier versions of MuseScore and they worked for you, but MuseScore 4 is specifically the version that's crashing, so it sounds like there might be some kind of bug in version 4 that they need to know about so they can try to fix it.

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