Some Brits are brain dead

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Whilst our Daughter who is a Nurse lies ill in bed at home after contracting Covid thousands of brain dead Brits flocked to shops ignoring protocols.

I despair at the stupidity of people.


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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
It's the same everywhere Col.

Hospitals are operating near capacity while idiots are scheming how to bend the rules for the holidays.

Every idiot out there thinks they can ride this out til the vaccine arrives.

Man is the apex predator on the planet.

His main job is to manufacture his successor.

When the robot apocalypse arrives perhaps they'll keep some of us as pets? ;)

Sorry to hear about your daughter though.

Here's wishing her a speedy and painless recovery. ;)

Gary ;)
Apr 26, 2019
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Every day, there are reports of so-called lockdown parties., which are shut down by the police and people arrested, especially during weekends. People just don't get it.
I shudder to think what will happen when Christmas arrives, which we'll undoubtedly see the results of mid January...
@Biggles : hope your daughter gets well soon.


Apr 3, 2020
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My son probably had corona virus in November LAST YEAR. I say probably because when he went to see a doctor they couldn't pinpoint the cause of pulmonary problems so they send him home. This was 4 moths before official declaration of pandemic. Latter we learned that the government knew exactly what was going on at the time but kept quiet to save their upcoming winter and summer holiday season. The fact is that corona virus was imported in Slovenia by doctors on vacation in Italian ski resorts.

Throughout the year the government demanded from us to wear masks but they were caught numerous times without them. They were also caught numerous times socializing and partying while demanding restrictive measures from all of us. And finally I will not go into legendary corruption cases associated with dealing with this pandemic. They bought totally useless masks made from handkerchiefs and rubber bands for 7.000.000 EUR. No one went to prison for this.

All I am saying guys don't blame people for being people. They follow the example set by their egoistic, stupid and highly overpaid government. And its all the same government throughout the world.

@Biggles I also hope your daughter gets well soon.
Apr 4, 2012
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This round is actually worse than the first round however after 9 months in the US most people are fed up and want to get on with their lives. Unfortunately like everything else in this world a few bad apples that didn't follow the protocol on the first pass are probably at the epicenture of the spread the 2nd time around; and with more people now fed up and not following the protocol it is spreading like wildfire. It's political in the US; people blame the president; the president blames the democrats for wanting to lockdown everything; the democrats blaming the republicans for being liberals and not following the protocol. Don't know or don't care who's to blame; I just wish it were over; it is going to be a long lonely winter. Nobody has time to do it right the first time then complain that they have to do it again for a 2nd round. Shameful.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Communication from our Governments right at the start was imo a major screw up.

There was no way on Earth that the Pandemic could have been contained, it is just the way of a very contageous virus.

Only a prolonged adoption of personal isolation and hygeine measures would have minimised the spread.

Any action would be just a holding action until such time as effective medication and or vaccine could be developed.

Our Government here in the UK failed to communicate and totally fail to manage the problem, but that is life, I set a low expectation from Government and they even fail to meet those low standards.

As regards Karen, she is feeling a bit better today and her two kids are looking after her well so it looks like she is getting away with a mildish CV19 infection. She got the results late last night which were positive so all her colleagues in the Dept and the two Hospitals she works have had to go into lockdown. She was saying that the two Hospitals are full of Covid patients.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
The good news is that we had a Facetime call from our Daughter this morning, she is much better.

Bad news, our Grandson and her soon to be ex-Husband have both contracted Coved.

Our 14 year old Grand Daughter is looking after the three of them, she seems to be having the time of her life, taking delivery of the food supplies, making meals and keeping them well hydrated. All this and doing her school work online as they all have been self isolating since last Friday morning when Karen came down with Covid.

Many thanks for your kind comments offering best wishes.

You folks may be thousands of miles away but true friends.

Stay safe.

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