My son probably had corona virus in
November LAST YEAR. I say probably because when he went to see a doctor they couldn't pinpoint the cause of pulmonary problems so they send him home. This was
4 moths before official declaration of pandemic. Latter we learned that the government knew exactly what was going on at the time but kept quiet to save their upcoming
winter and summer holiday season. The fact is that corona virus was imported in Slovenia by doctors on vacation in Italian ski resorts.
Throughout the year the government demanded from us to wear masks but they were caught numerous times without them. They were also caught numerous times socializing and partying while demanding restrictive measures from all of us. And finally I will not go into legendary corruption cases associated with dealing with this pandemic. They bought totally useless masks made from
handkerchiefs and rubber bands for 7.000.000 EUR. No one went to prison for this.
All I am saying guys don't blame people for being people. They follow the example set by their egoistic, stupid and highly overpaid government. And its all the same government throughout the world.
@Biggles I also hope your daughter gets well soon.