Wanted your views on shortlisted keyboard with Indian tones/rythms

Jun 9, 2019
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I want to buy a 'decent' keyboard. This is not a instictive open ended question but I have done some homework and shortlisted few.
I am just a hobbyist and not going to perform a live show so don't need features which are only good for proffesionals. Mostly, I would be making some music at home. My budget is around $1400 including libraries, if extra.

I had Casio 8000IN and I am not used to the interface these good keyboard has. So would be starting with clean slate. :)
Apart fom usual features, I am looking for realistic Indian instrument tones, for instance, Harmonium and Banjo.
I would also want a trilling function (for Banjo and Santoor) preferably with pitch bender/modulation wheel and not with velocity sensitive.

From the top three brands, I have shortlisted Yamaha PSR-975, Korg PA700 and Roland XPS-30. They seem to have pretty much everything what I wanted. However, the main concern I have is below.
XPS-30 seems to be more powerfull as a DSP machine with lot of possibilities but lacks speakers. While PA700 is little expensive but has limited functions and Indian tone library looks expensive. PSR-975 Indian tones are not as realistic as above two despite being expensive.
I would appreciate for expert's views on this. I would also face some issues while buying since XPS-30 does not seem to be available in Europe.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

The Yamaha PSR S975 is now basically an old model with the release of the PSR SX900 which as it happens I was listening to it being demoed today in my favourite music store and whilst they were playing a UK version the sounds being produced were imho much superior to those produced by the S975 and S775.

I have a Korg Pa700 and love it, but you will need to explain precisely what limited functions it has for me to comment upon your statement. The Pa700 is available as an Oriental version that may be more suitable for your needs and here are a couple of vids about the Pa700 Oriental.

The Roland, like all Roland’s is a very capable keyboard. It is a totally different unit to the Korg and Yamaha models which are Arrangers. If I have it right the XPS30 is the Indian version if the Juno DS which is an awesome keyboard and way cheaper than the Korg or Yamaha but certainly not inferior in quality of build or sounds. Maybe an Indian pack could be obtained for a Juno DS? The Roland Axial website may give you further info.

Good luck
Jun 9, 2019
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Thanks Biggles.
So I crossed PSR975 out. Now I think that, in-built speakers are must so the only choice I have is PA700. I am also thinking of streching my budget a little more and go or PA1000.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I would not necessarily discount a Yamaha SX700 or if you are streching your budget towards Korg Pa1000 then also consider a Yamaha SX900.

It is which suits you the best that matters and I am one who cannot guide you towards a Yamaha since I have not played either of them as I said only heard the 900.

Korg Pa1000, it too is available in Oriental version and the same Bonusware site is applicable as well.

The 1000 has additional Styles, Sounds, keyboard sets and Vocoder, it has a different keybed to the 700 but I cannot tell much difference but it does have aftertouch. There is a bigger amp onboard and better speakers.

If you have watched the Korg tutorials that I posted the link to then be advised there is exactly the same for the 1000.

This is one comparison personally I would trust as the guy doing the comparison is at my favourite music store 15 minutes from where I live and the sales area between Korg and Yamaha is pretty equal and they also sell Roland, Nord and Kursweil (which I must have a play on next time I am in the store).

Do watch this video and it is about the third Style/Sound comparison that is of an early 60’s guitar sound sort if like The Shadows, this shows how bad both keyboards are at certain guitar sounds. That said there is a better guitar sound available on the Korg to the one used so I am sort of surprised that the sales guy used the inferior one.
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2019
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Hello Folks,

Just registered - I am from India and recently (last month) upgraded from my Pa50 to the Pa700 (Biggles, have read many of your reviews, thanks much) - the Pa700 is a very powerful instrument and I haven't even scratched the surface yet - we have a separate Indian sound set given by the dealer here pre-loaded. The harmonium, tabla, santoor and much more are quite usable, plus you have the pads to record audio loops and a fully capable sampler with time slice. Being a hobbyist, I haven't done much yet, but it offers lots of possibilities. Not sure of the Yamaha Sx series though (you may want to check out a comparison between the SX 900 and the Korg PA 700 on YouTube) - the PA 1000 is only superior in terms of a semi weighted keyboard, bigger sample memory and user memory and the TC Helicon vocal processor. For me, it wasn't much use and did not justify the price difference. Now, whatever dough I saved buying the 700 (plus some more) - I went ahead and bought the DS88! The Piano keys and sounds are unmatched, but more on that later. Please think through your needs - you cannot replace an arranger with a workstation (though the 700 does both)
Jun 9, 2019
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Thanks Biggles and eagleys!
I have been watching plenty of videos and I don't know why but I again got inclined towards XPS 30 despite being a synthesier and would need additional amplifier/speaker. It's old but seems to be capable of doing much more than even keboards aunched after that. Like for instance in FA-06, imported sample cannot be assigned to a keyboard key but a pad.

If it had just that feture, I would have bought that today. Advantages over XPS 30 it has are it's available in Germany and has bigger colour display.

What I realised is since I am just a hobbyist so availibility of online resource is very importat point. For instance, I would get samples of Indian instruments for only keyboard which are popular in India. And a quick video would help me to do things which otherwise would need reading exahaustive manual and many trial and errors. XPS 30 seems to win there.
Jun 9, 2019
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Thanks. Now one last question on this thread. Does anyone have any idea where do I buy XPS-30 keyboard in Germany? I contacted few dealers outside Germany but they don't seem to ship the new keyboard here.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
If you cannot find a supplier for a XPS then the only suggestion that I can make is to seek out expansion packs for a Roland Juno DS and if any are suitable then you could go that route.

Have a look at the Roland Axial website for the available expansion packs.
Jun 9, 2019
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Just an update. This corona situation forced me to bring down my budget from 1000€ to 100€ :(
So finally, I bought midi keyboard (Keystation 61 from M-Audio) hoping to get features I wanted with just little more efforts in setting up the DAW.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
CV19 has hit a lot of people very hard, sorry to hear that you are one of them.

There are additional free resources from companies like Native Instruments that you could download and use, also if you have an iPad then there are hundreds of useful Apps available for you to use.

Good luck.
Jun 9, 2019
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Thanks Biggles.
Midi in general would do. My 7 year old daugter however started complaning hat she can't just switch it on and play how she used to do with older keyboard.

I got Ableton lite included. But I found latency and glitch to be less with SampleTank. Anyway, I will take these discussions to midi section. I just wanted to update in this thread and close the loop.

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