Affordable (OK, cheap!) keyboard for learner

Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia

Thanks in advance for your advice - love the internet... so many great resources such as this!

Anyway, I'm primarily a drummer and also pretty competent on rhythm guitar and bass (and have played a number of other instruments over the years). Looking at learning a bit of basic keyboard, and also would like to start my young daughters on keys, as I think it is a logical instrument to get a musical grounding on... anyway, enough of the background story!

Was looking at some cheap second hand keyboards on ebay (in Australia), and after reviewing some youtube clips, I'm quite liking the sound of the Yamaha's, namely the PSR E3## (the 323/313 appear to simply be previous incarnations of the current 333, correct, with fairly similar sounds and features?). This model appears to be the first model in their line up to introduce touch sensitivity, which really makes a difference for mine. Casio's lower models can be had at similar prices here in Oz, but the sounds on the Yammie's seem far more pleasing to my ears.

Without really knowing what else I should be looking for in a keyboard, decent quality sounds are important to me, and Yamaha models with touch sensitivity and dual layered sound seem to offer this. I play at church, and while I'm not expecting to jump on keys there in the near future, from listening to youtube clips I reckon the piano/pad/string type sounds (particularly the dual layered sounds) would seem to be passable in that setting, which I find remarkable for a keyboard that can be bought for a smidge over $250 new.

Anyway, seems from what I've read that this is a solid choice... just checking if there are any other options or shortcomings of the 333 I should be aware of!

Thanks again!

The Y_man

Sep 12, 2011
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
No real shortcomings per se - great place to start.

If you can stretch a bit further (AU$350), you might want to look for remaining stocks of the 423, as the new 433 has just been released - you can probably get good prices on it

The 4xx series gives you pitch bend, more voices and more accompaniemnt patterns.

The Y-man
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia

Thanks for your advice... one more query - what is the major differences with the YPT series, or is it an international model for the same keyboard???

Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
Thanks again Y-man, I'll have a look, but have to admit, without having really used/owned a keyboard before, I find it hard to cut through the marketing guff and get a good picture of what model x has over model y for everyday use.

Really, my #1 priority is for something that has good quality sounds - mainly piano and strings for the synth/pad type sounds. I notice the 4xx model has extra sounds over the 3xx, but are the quality of the sounds on the 3xx the same, albeit a few less to choose from? I.e. is the basic "Grand Piano" sound on each the same sound? Basically, added extra "novelty" sounds aren't something I place any value on. I do like the layered sound feature - being able to layer strings over piano, for example, is a sound I reckon I would utilise a lot.

And I'm noticing a number of these PSR-E models (and PSR models?) coming up on ebay. Will older models (i.e. 413 or 313 etc) be comparable in it's features and sound quality to their current model equivalent? And I'm assuming the PSR (no 'E') models preceded the 'E' series? Worth looking at if a cheapie comes up on ebay?

At this stage I'm basically tossing up whether to get a new 333, or keep an eye on ebay for a used 413 for similar money, but would also consider a 303/313/323 (or older PSR of equivalent features/sound quality) if one comes up at a good price... but when the 333 can be had for $250 odd new, it would have to be cheap!

The Y_man

Sep 12, 2011
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Really, my #1 priority is for something that has good quality sounds - mainly piano and strings for the synth/pad type sounds. I notice the 4xx model has extra sounds over the 3xx, but are the quality of the sounds on the 3xx the same, albeit a few less to choose from? I.e. is the basic "Grand Piano" sound on each the same sound? Basically, added extra "novelty" sounds aren't something I place any value on. I do like the layered sound feature - being able to layer strings over piano, for example, is a sound I reckon I would utilise a lot.

Without ever having played the new PSR series, I couldn't tell you re the quality of sound - but I imagine the "sound engine" in the lower end models wouldn't differ by much.
(I have a 20+ year old PSR-E)

The only way is ot go to a music shop and have a listen - or failing that, get on youtube and look for where people have recorded themselves playing etc.

The manufacturer sites often also have demo tracks.

The Y-man

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