I have a CTX5000. It's more complete than the CTX3000 beacusa it has more conections much more sound volume, up to 30 watts, and can recieve the double of edited sounds (100)for the melody part, and also the double of user styles(100). I recomend this one.
Talking about styles , the bes ones are the AC7, because they have intro and ending, and also 4 parts. This keyboard can also recieve CKF styles, but , as thay say, that styles have only two variations. So, we may choose, and put the styles we like most.
This keyboard lives of programing. Not difficult: we put a styles, some effect, check the split, the tempo, and the volume level of each part, and we save on a registration. Then, for the second registration, we start with that one, because most of the work is done, like the revernb, the difference of level betwen the two hands, and we only have to change the tempo, the style and the melody sounds. (it has layers). Then we save on another different registratios. And this is the best way to use this keyboard.
For playing alive, we have the miraculous buton caled Freeze. It makes the style to continue the same, while we change sounds, surfing on the registrations we made, because our best choices are there.
Meanwhile, check the manual, and you will see there the conections on the back of the panel. I think you will like this keyboard. And there are thousands of free styles on internet. I have a lot. Take some time, and you will find lots of them, for free, on AC7 format.