Korg Triton vs Roland Juno vs Korg M1

Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire Uk
Apologies first, this has probably been asked a thousand times so ...

I'm a complete novice, i've never touched a keyboard let alone tried to play one
So, I was thinking of purchasing a used Korg Triton extreme (not sure why, i guess i just like the look of it) until a member suggested a Roland Juno. Problem is i cant find one for sale Grrr!!!
I've taken on board the advice given but theirs just none for sale .... would a Korg M1 be a better option?
Need some help here guys.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
All things being equal and you being a complete novice, any of those choices are a magnificent starter synth.

Let price be your deciding factor. Take the best deal you can find.

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
As long as all the keys and buttons and knobs and sliders are functional you did well.

Do a thorough checkout right now and make sure all is working.

If not run back and demand your money back.

Otherwise, happy playing.

Gary ;)


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I'm a complete novice, i've never touched a keyboard le
Hi Pomster, welcome to the forums.
You are just like me starting music at 55. (I read your other thread).
In my case at 55 (10 years ago) I did not know what note was which key let alone what ever is a chord? What is a sharp and flat?
Is this your level? If I said play an A key, would you know which one? No?
If that is your situation, I would be just buying a cheap KB for learning. Just spend 100 pounds. You will get a nice brand new 5 octave instrument for this price 5 possibly a Casio. They have synth sounds built in them too so you can still experiment a bit and have fun. It takes time (many months or years) just to learn the basics and remember everything. It took me a whole year before I removed the A, B,C,D,E,F,G stickers off my keys.
Anyway that is my opinion and save your money to pick up a sofisticated work station later on say in 3 - 4 years time. Buying that unit now will be wasted. Wait to get the newest generation model for when you are ready for it. Just concentrate now on learning. Be patient.
Btw. Kraftwork and the others you mentioned on the other thread are world class musicians and their equipment is WAY expensive producing unique sounds. These guys probably learnt piano when they were just kids.
We all wish we could pkay like that.:rolleyes:
Cheers Ray:)
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire Uk
Oops, I was a tad late with my reply. Lol

No worries

I'd thought about buying just a cheapish £100er or so, but then when discussing it with her indoors I thought i'd jump in and get a popular make/model. I did'nt really set a budget as such, more a case of i did'nt want to pay stupid money for a beginner.

Oh yeah! youtube is fatal lol
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire Uk
Hi Pomster, welcome to the forums.
You are just like me starting music at 55. (I read your other thread).
In my case at 55 (10 years ago) I did not know what note was which key let alone what ever is a chord? What is a sharp and flat?
Is this your level? If I said play an A key, would you know which one? No?
If that is your situation, I would be just buying a cheap KB for learning. Just spend 100 pounds. You will get a nice brand new 5 octave instrument for this price 5 possibly a Casio. They have synth sounds built in them too so you can still experiment a bit and have fun. It takes time (many months or years) just to learn the basics and remember everything. It took me a whole year before I removed the A, B,C,D,E,F,G stickers off my keys.
Anyway that is my opinion and save your money to pick up a sofisticated work station later on say in 3 - 4 years time. Buying that unit now will be wasted. Wait to get the newest generation model for when you are ready for it. Just concentrate now on learning. Be patient.
Btw. Kraftwork and the others you mentioned on the other thread are world class musicians and their equipment is WAY expensive producing unique sounds. These guys probably learnt piano when they were just kids.
We all wish we could pkay like that.:rolleyes:
Cheers Ray:)

KB? Octave?
Will buy some stickers and a few books too
I know absolute jack diddly squat about music, but i listen to it alot and I know i've the enthusiasm to learn


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
KB? Octave?

KB was just abreiviating Keyboard.
An octave: Look at the keys. See two back ones together and 3 black ones together.
look at the two white keys inbetween the sets of blacks. The white one on the right is C. count up 8 white keys from here and there will be another C. Between the two C's is ONE Octave.
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire Uk
KB was just abreiviating Keyboard.
An octave: Look at the keys. See two back ones together and 3 black ones together.
look at the two white keys inbetween the sets of blacks. The white one on the right is C. count up 8 white keys from here and there will be another C. Between the two C's is ONE Octave.

Learnt something already haha!!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I'm jumping in on this again a little late, but here's my $0.02 worth.

Having a decent sounding keyboard to start out with will encourage him more to stick at it.

$200 dollar keyboards sound like a kazoo in a tin cup. They get on your nerves quickly and discourage you from practicing and experimenting.

I encourage pornster to experiment often and eagerly to play along with CDs and any music he hears to help train his ear and his muscle memory.

And while he's at it, he should visit the tutorials thread here on the board to pick up some decent learning material.


And finally, if he has the patience and money he might want to invest in some lessons with a qualified tutor who is experienced in working with adults.

He sounds a lot like I was 20 years ago when I was starting out and I only wish I could have afforded some lessons back then.

Gary ;)
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire Uk
Watched this guy on youtube this morning, he seems to come over in a none patronising way. As a complete noob i found him to be quite confidence inspiring ..... Thoughts?

Will still book some one on one lessons though

Fred Coulter

Collector of ancient keyboards
Feb 15, 2016
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Central Florida
I will mention that getting a human teacher, rather than watching videos, is to be preferred.

Don't be put off by the fact that most of there piano students are children. The teacher will appreciate the fact they can actually talk to you.

Some teachers will demand that you have an 88 note weighted keyboard. Some will insist on you playing a "real" piano. Ignore them. There are many other teachers out there.

The Korg M1 was at one point a cutting edge synthesizer. That means that (assuming it's in good shape) that you should be happy with it for quite a while. Also, with a five octave keyboard you should be able to play almost all the music your teacher will want you to play. You really don't need those extra keys until you get to the Romantic period of keyboard music, and even then most of the music will fit fine on a five octave keyboard.

(And the beginner music will definitely fit on a five octave keyboard.)

It will be years before you need a better keyboard. However, be careful. GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) can strike at any time.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I get that quite a bit, even been reprimanded on one forum for it until they realise their mistake ... still funny though!

My apologies Pomster...

Tired old eyes and a dirty pair of reading glasses contributed to my faux pas.

As for the Bill Hilton videos? I think they're excellent. I subscribe to his channel as well as a few others.

I'd also like to suggest you check out Brendan Kavanaugh or "Dr. K" as he likes to call himself.

Don't worry about the M1. You're off to a good start.

Gary ;)

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