Roland Ax Edge power fault

May 17, 2020
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Hello everyone,

I am a proud owner of the latest Roland keytar, the ax edge. Very powerful instrument for a keytar, love it.

Unfortunately I had to deal with a power issue lately that prevents my by playing it.
When plugged in and after turning the instrument on a message "Battery low. Shutting down process" shows on the display and after a few seconds the keyboard turns off. This also happens when the keytar is battery powered ( I checked that the batteries were fully charged using an external charger before using them)
This has been happening lately as the keytar worked fine for a few months but now I cannot use it anymore.

Is there anyone who might be able to help with the issue?

Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.

Are you using the correct Batteries ie NiMh and of the correct capacity?

Is there also a button cell battery with the Edge, if so that may need replacing.

I suggest that you try charging the batteries then test each cell after they have been charged and allowed to cool down for an hour or so after the recharge.

It may be that a dud cell is causing the issue.

If you have not got an electrical test meter to test the cells then you can buy one for a few dollars on Amazon/Radio Shack/ CPC Farnell etc.

If all else fails, then a system reset may also rectify a problem.
May 17, 2020
Reaction score

Are you using the correct Batteries ie NiMh and of the correct capacity?

Is there also a button cell battery with the Edge, if so that may need replacing.

I suggest that you try charging the batteries then test each cell after they have been charged and allowed to cool down for an hour or so after the recharge.

It may be that a dud cell is causing the issue.

If you have not got an electrical test meter to test the cells then you can buy one for a few dollars on Amazon/Radio Shack/ CPC Farnell etc.

If all else fails, then a system reset may also rectify a problem.

Thank you for your reply.

What I don't understand is why the issue stull happenes when the keytar is mains powered.

If there is a button cell battery I can try to replace it. Do you know how to do so?

May 17, 2020
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I have also tried the factory reset that actually went through (the keytar did not turn off during the process) but nothinf changed


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
First of all this is a hardware issue, not a software one by the sound of it.

IF AND ONLY IF you are using a genuine Roland Power Supply I would call up Roland's Warranty Service and get it fixed under warranty.

IF you are using a third party power supply then the second you open your mouth Roland will automatically void your warranty and blame it on non approved hardware.

In that case shut up about the power supply and tell them the issue is only with battery power.

This is strictly a warranty problem. Don't waste any more time trying to fix it yourself.

Gary ;)
May 17, 2020
Reaction score
First of all this is a hardware issue, not a software one by the sound of it.

IF AND ONLY IF you are using a genuine Roland Power Supply I would call up Roland's Warranty Service and get it fixed under warranty.

IF you are using a third party power supply then the second you open your mouth Roland will automatically void your warranty and blame it on non approved hardware.

In that case shut up about the power supply and tell them the issue is only with battery power.

This is strictly a warranty problem. Don't waste any more time trying to fix it yourself.

Gary ;)
Hi Gary,

Thank you for the info.

The power supply is original. Unfortunatelly Roland said I cannot use service under warranty as I bought this second hand a few months ago.

So I am afraid I need to get ot repaired by someone once the lockdown has been lifted?

Thanks anyway.



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Then you're out of luck.

Assuming the internal batteries are NiMH rechargeables then they are not user replaceable unless there is an easily opened access panel and they are standard AA format. If they are Lithium cells it is even less of a DIY job.

You should bring it to a qualified tech after things loosen up as probably one of the internal cells is going bad and they should be replaced as a bank.

Don't feel too badly about it though. Eventually all rechargeable batteries go bad and stop holding a charge and usually after 2,000 charge cycles they need to be replaced regardless.

Sooner or later you would have had to do this and now you'll have 3-5 years of trouble free playing after the cells are replaced.

Gary ;)
May 17, 2020
Reaction score
Then you're out of luck.

Assuming the internal batteries are NiMH rechargeables then they are not user replaceable unless there is an easily opened access panel and they are standard AA format. If they are Lithium cells it is even less of a DIY job.

You should bring it to a qualified tech after things loosen up as probably one of the internal cells is going bad and they should be replaced as a bank.

Don't feel too badly about it though. Eventually all rechargeable batteries go bad and stop holding a charge and usually after 2,000 charge cycles they need to be replaced regardless.

Sooner or later you would have had to do this and now you'll have 3-5 years of trouble free playing after the cells are replaced.

Gary ;)
Hold on a minute,

There are no batteries in it at the moment. I mean, you can add the to the compartment that you can open at the back, but I used the keyboard for months and with no batteries in it, just powered by the adaptor.

So I do not understand what the problem could be. Also tried with brand new batteries charged using an external charger. Same scenario. Even both with batteries and adaptor plugged in.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Read the manual for your unit carefully.

Some units specifically prohibit the use of rechargeable batteries while others insist on NiMH or Lithium or some specific size and type of rechargeable.

It may require Alkaline batteries only, and usually , regardless of what type of batteries they specify they often insist that when running under line power that batteries be removed.

Read the first few pages of your manual carefully. Under the safety precautions it will tell you everything you need to know about battery and line operation.

This could be entirely your fault.

Either way, this may become a very expensive repair.

Gary ;)
May 17, 2020
Reaction score
Read the manual for your unit carefully.

Some units specifically prohibit the use of rechargeable batteries while others insist on NiMH or Lithium or some specific size and type of rechargeable.

It may require Alkaline batteries only, and usually , regardless of what type of batteries they specify they often insist that when running under line power that batteries be removed.

Read the first few pages of your manual carefully. Under the safety precautions it will tell you everything you need to know about battery and line operation.

This could be entirely your fault.

Either way, this may become a very expensive repair.

Gary ;)
I did read the manual carefully amd bought NiMh batteries as specified. The thing is that the problem first occured before I installed the batteries as I was using the instrument only powered by the transformer. It worked well for months. So it must me an hardware problem not related with the batteries. I only bought the batteries recently as I thought there was a problem with the power adaptor and wanted to find the source of the issue.
May 17, 2020
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Thanks for your reply.

The keytar worked for months only using the power mains. The manual specifies you can use it both on batteries or just main powered or both.

The batteries are standard AA NiMh batteries, that I fully charged with an external charger.
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I am a proud owner of the latest Roland keytar, the ax edge. Very powerful instrument for a keytar, love it.

Unfortunately I had to deal with a power issue lately that prevents my by playing it.
When plugged in and after turning the instrument on a message "Battery low. Shutting down process" shows on the display and after a few seconds the keyboard turns off. This also happens when the keytar is battery powered ( I checked that the batteries were fully charged using an external charger before using them)
This has been happening lately as the keytar worked fine for a few months but now I cannot use it anymore.

Is there anyone who might be able to help with the issue?

I have the same problem. How did you make out? What was the fix?
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I am a proud owner of the latest Roland keytar, the ax edge. Very powerful instrument for a keytar, love it.

Unfortunately I had to deal with a power issue lately that prevents my by playing it.
When plugged in and after turning the instrument on a message "Battery low. Shutting down process" shows on the display and after a few seconds the keyboard turns off. This also happens when the keytar is battery powered ( I checked that the batteries were fully charged using an external charger before using them)
This has been happening lately as the keytar worked fine for a few months but now I cannot use it anymore.

Is there anyone who might be able to help with the issue?

My tech changed what he called the jack board. It took over 3 months for the parts.
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I am a proud owner of the latest Roland keytar, the ax edge. Very powerful instrument for a keytar, love it.

Unfortunately I had to deal with a power issue lately that prevents my by playing it.
When plugged in and after turning the instrument on a message "Battery low. Shutting down process" shows on the display and after a few seconds the keyboard turns off. This also happens when the keytar is battery powered ( I checked that the batteries were fully charged using an external charger before using them)
This has been happening lately as the keytar worked fine for a few months but now I cannot use it anymore.

Is there anyone who might be able to help with the issue?

My tech changed the jack board it took over 3 months to get it from Roland

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