Born in Montreal. Transplanted to Ontario decades ago. The language police kicked me out of the province
They may seem nice to tourists but they're hell to live with.
And in in 1969 I was a few years too young to go to woodstock
Check google and youtube when you need a quick course in anything.
It's hard to keep up with the technology curve in our golden years and youtube is our greatest asset.
Welcome to keyboardforums btw. We're all friendly here and have a few big league working musicians drop in now and again, but usually keep a low profile. (Unless they are looking for an ego boost

Everyone here is eager to help and offer different resources according to their abilities.
And we also get plenty of noobs as well so we cater to every level of expertise.
Your response warmed the cockles of my heart today.
It's sad how many times people ask a question, receive an answer and can't be bothered to write "thanks"
Or if you made a simple error they can be all too quick to lash out.
Anyway, you're very welcome and have a nice evening.