VR 730 expression pedal problems - help!

Apr 22, 2018
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i am trying to use an expression pedal with my VR 730, but I can't get it to work right. I have tried 2 different Yamaha FC-7's, and a Moog pedal. Here's what happens: When I just start to depress the pedal, I get a noticeable bump of maybe 30% of volume - then that's it. The entire rest of the travel does nothing. When I used the FC-7 with my other keyboards, it literally goes from 0 to 127, volume -wise, but I can't get the VR730 to give me anything near that (maybe goes from 40 - 80?). I've double checked the settings, etc. to no avail. What am I missing?
Jun 20, 2018
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I just got the 730---I have experienced the same EXACT thing, with fc7 and moog. Is it as simple as this: it will only work with Roland and Boss products?
Jun 27, 2023
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I have the Roland EV-5 as recommended but the volume is not linear too. A mod is needed adding two resistors inside the pedal, not tried yet.
Apr 4, 2012
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Try a Roland EV7, not the shxtty EV5.

There ard two standards for expression, one reads the tip and fhe other reads the ring. They are often referred to as the Yamaha standard and the Roland standard. Yamaha's generally dont work with Roland and vice versa. So you will need a roland pedal to be compatible with how the keyboard was designed to read the ring value as opposed to the tip value. the EV5 just plain sucks, to short of a throw to have real expression. My EV7 has a nice long throw and works well, try finding one.
Last edited:
Jul 25, 2023
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i am trying to use an expression pedal with my VR 730, but I can't get it to work right. I have tried 2 different Yamaha FC-7's, and a Moog pedal. Here's what happens: When I just start to depress the pedal, I get a noticeable bump of maybe 30% of volume - then that's it. The entire rest of the travel does nothing. When I used the FC-7 with my other keyboards, it literally goes from 0 to 127, volume -wise, but I can't get the VR730 to give me anything near that (maybe goes from 40 - 80?). I've double checked the settings, etc. to no avail. What am I missing?
Jul 25, 2023
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i am trying to use an expression pedal with my VR 730, but I can't get it to work right. I have tried 2 different Yamaha FC-7's, and a Moog pedal. Here's what happens: When I just start to depress the pedal, I get a noticeable bump of maybe 30% of volume - then that's it. The entire rest of the travel does nothing. When I used the FC-7 with my other keyboards, it literally goes from 0 to 127, volume -wise, but I can't get the VR730 to give me anything near that (maybe goes from 40 - 80?). I've double checked the settings, etc. to no avail. What am I missing?
I have found that running the VR-730 straight out from the L/Mono Output Jack and into an Ernie Ball 'Volume Pedal' and then straight into a keyboard amp(in my case, the Roland Cube Street EX)seemed to work the best for me, and I can bring the volume level all the
way down to a whisper/ silence if I want to. With both the Proline/ On Stage Expression Pedals, I was not able to do that when using
the organ engine(however they had worked just fine with a handful of the other sounds on board). You can try experimenting with
the output levels inside the keyboard by going into the menu and then selecting 'Organ', but when I did that with those pedals I couldn't
get the gain stages right, so for now I'm just going with the Ernie Ball Pedal and bypassing the expression pedal jack altogether(and with
that I can get approximately the same expression pedal effect that I'm satisfied with!). Good Luck with it, Mate!..

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