How to transmit program change to Hammond SK1?

Aug 7, 2019
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Hi everybody. I'm scratching my head, I have a Hammond SK1 73 and just bought a Studiologic SL88 Studio for playing the Extra Voices piano presets. I would like to switch presets on the SL88 and need the SK1 to follow, sometimes I want a grand, sometimes Rhodes but as of now I have to change manually. For example: I want preset 001 on SL88 to correspond to U003 (user preset 3). Everything else works fine, sounds, pedals etc but i can't find a way to send program change. The SK1 Midi Implementation is not very informative, no details on MSB, LSB. so i am sending out the question. Anybody out there who can assist or help?
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi everybody. I'm scratching my head, I have a Hammond SK1 73 and just bought a Studiologic SL88 Studio for playing the Extra Voices piano presets. I would like to switch presets on the SL88 and need the SK1 to follow, sometimes I want a grand, sometimes Rhodes but as of now I have to change manually. For example: I want preset 001 on SL88 to correspond to U003 (user preset 3). Everything else works fine, sounds, pedals etc but i can't find a way to send program change. The SK1 Midi Implementation is not very informative, no details on MSB, LSB. so i am sending out the question. Anybody out there who can assist or help?

Send a note to Jim Alfredson, he is a Hammond endorser and can assist with the proper setup.


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