Pls Help!! What are Hardware Synth MIDI settings to sample to Sample Robot?!

Oct 12, 2017
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I am attempting to use the just released Sample Robot for Montage. Download was successful, setup was correctly implemented on S.R.
Using Montage itself to test sampling onto S.R. chose a STRING performance.
Connected midi cables correctly to audio interface (not USB). Switched the Montage Utility/settings to MIDI from USB.
Chose common RECORD settings on test S.R following the tutorial video.
I press the keys in S.R. and it produces the PERFORMANCE from.the Montage.
I hit record, 5,4,3,2, plays one piano note (not the string performance I chose.
then, nothing...nothing gets recorded. tried turning off Montage LOCAL and much else to no avail
I believe it has to be keyboard settings. My midi knowledge is very limited. PLEASE HELP. What are the common synthesizer settings to correctly communicate with S.R. I have many keyboards (Triton, Kronos, etc) I would like to rip sounds from asap!
Been waiting forever in desperation to get this software.
thank you in advance!


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I'm not familiar with SampleRobot or SampleRobot Montage, nor am I familiar with the Montage beyond whatever information I've read about it on the internet. The latest manual I could find is for SampleRobot 4-- but I think the latest version is SampleRobot 6-- and that manual doesn't appear to give much instruction as far as connections, just a picture showing one possible setup.

Consequently I can give only general comments, and you should refer to your SampleRobot Montage manual to see if it gives specific instructions. My comments are based on my general understanding of how a program such as SampleRobot works, as well as my general knowledge of the Montage, and I can't guarantee the validity of my comments, especially with regard to your specific situation.

A program such as SampleRobot sends MIDI messages from a computer to an instrument or sound module, so you'll need a MIDI connection going from the computer to the instrument. In response to those MIDI messages, the instrument sends audio data back to the computer so the program can record it, so you'll also need an audio connection going from the instrument to the computer.

If I'm not mistaken, the Montage has a built-in audio interface, therefore I believe the simplest setup would be to connect the computer to the Montage using a USB cable. The USB connection would then be used for both MIDI and audio at the same time.

If the instrument or sound module does not have a built-in audio interface, then the simplest setup would be to connect the computer to the instrument using a USB cable-- or using a USB-to-MIDI interface cable-- and then connect the instrument to the computer using an audio cable.

If you choose to use an optional USB audio/MIDI interface between the computer and the instrument, then you'll need to connect the computer to the audio interface using a USB cable, connect the audio interface to the instrument using a MIDI cable (from MIDI OUT on the audio interface to MIDI IN on the instrument), and connect the instrument to the audio interface using an audio cable (from AUDIO OUT on the instrument to AUDIO IN on the audio interface). Note that I'm using "AUDIO OUT" as a generic term, as the specific label will depend on what sorts of audio output jacks are available on the instrument or sound module-- e.g., on some instruments you might need to use the HEADPHONES jack.

Frankly, your best source for help on this matter would be the Support Department of the company that makes SampleRobot.
Oct 12, 2017
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I'm not familiar with SampleRobot or SampleRobot Montage, nor am I familiar with the Montage beyond whatever information I've read about it on the internet. The latest manual I could find is for SampleRobot 4-- but I think the latest version is SampleRobot 6-- and that manual doesn't appear to give much instruction as far as connections, just a picture showing one possible setup.

Consequently I can give only general comments, and you should refer to your SampleRobot Montage manual to see if it gives specific instructions. My comments are based on my general understanding of how a program such as SampleRobot works, as well as my general knowledge of the Montage, and I can't guarantee the validity of my comments, especially with regard to your specific situation.

A program such as SampleRobot sends MIDI messages from a computer to an instrument or sound module, so you'll need a MIDI connection going from the computer to the instrument. In response to those MIDI messages, the instrument sends audio data back to the computer so the program can record it, so you'll also need an audio connection going from the instrument to the computer.

If I'm not mistaken, the Montage has a built-in audio interface, therefore I believe the simplest setup would be to connect the computer to the Montage using a USB cable. The USB connection would then be used for both MIDI and audio at the same time.

If the instrument or sound module does not have a built-in audio interface, then the simplest setup would be to connect the computer to the instrument using a USB cable-- or using a USB-to-MIDI interface cable-- and then connect the instrument to the computer using an audio cable.

If you choose to use an optional USB audio/MIDI interface between the computer and the instrument, then you'll need to connect the computer to the audio interface using a USB cable, connect the audio interface to the instrument using a MIDI cable (from MIDI OUT on the audio interface to MIDI IN on the instrument), and connect the instrument to the audio interface using an audio cable (from AUDIO OUT on the instrument to AUDIO IN on the audio interface). Note that I'm using "AUDIO OUT" as a generic term, as the specific label will depend on what sorts of audio output jacks are available on the instrument or sound module-- e.g., on some instruments you might need to use the HEADPHONES jack.

Frankly, your best source for help on this matter would be the Support Department of the company that makes SampleRobot.
Thank you for your reply. It actually helps me to better understand the functionality as my midi knowledge is limited. My set up consists of a computer with a daw and Sample Robot for the Montage, audio interface, and the Montage. SR does in fact communicate via midi to automate ripping the sample.
It is specifically what to set up on the keyboard to communicate correctly with Sample Robot that has me baffled. It's preferred connection is usb but I assumed standard midi cables would suffice. I will look into this further. Thank you so much for your assistance and research. Cheers


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The MIDI connection will transmit MIDI data from SampleRobot to the Montage-- and back again, if applicable-- but MIDI connections can't carry audio signals, so that's why you'd also need an audio connection going back from the Montage to SampleRobot if you want to go with that type of setup.

A direct USB connection between the computer and the Montage should take care of both needs-- MIDI and audio-- and would be simpler as far as involving fewer cables and other equipment (e.g., an optional audio interface).

As for other synths or sound modules you'd like to sample, they might not have their own built-in audio interfaces the way the Montage does, in which case you probably would want to go with a setup involving an audio interface to get the benefit of an external sound card that's most likely superior to your computer's internal sound card.

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