Using MIDI bass pedals with DGX 650 - does it work

Jan 25, 2018
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I have a DGX 650 which, it is supposed is the first of the DGX series to have class compliant USB MIDI interfaces. Compared to my former DGX 505, this one pushes the limits of 'portable' in the wrong direction; however, one can do worse. in my youth, I humped a 350 lb Hammond around which caused me to decide to become a bass player. My goal is to add a portable set of bass pedals to the DGX to achieve a full portable rig (my current console unit, a Wurlitzer, weighs in at closer to 400 lbs plus 70 lbs for the pedal board so it has been ordered to stay at home). I'm trying to decide whether to go with self-contained pedals or simple MIDI controller foot-pedals.In either case, some of them have the controls built in which seems extremely awkward. On Yamaha forums and dialog with local Yamaha on-line support it seems that all I have to do is pump in commands on MIDI channel 3 to control the split voice, which would be handy for setup via the DGX menus - does anyone know if that works. Various sources differ on whether or not this passes through to the styles auto-accompaniment - does anyone know what's true.

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