Ed >>> Sorry man, I've got the older model, not the +.
The older KS7575 does a bangup job of holding the goosenecks and the sheet holder though.
The only part that comes loose is the clamp holding the sheet holder to the gooseneck, but that's a third party design and not an Onstage part. The sheet holder is a solid sheet of 16 Ga. steel with no holes drilled into it. If they'd drilled some one inch holes into it they could've cut off half the weight and it would be less prone to swinging backward on contact.
The TCM9260 U Mount Holder looks a lot lighter and sturdier from the video and looks like it would hold the iPad in about the same position as my sheet holder. About 3 " behind and dead center and just above the surface of a 7" thick keyboard.
Believe me, the options out there are few and far between and I think you could do a lot worse than picking this gear up.
As for the charts? My gear never leaves my home studio so it's not an issue. It's not like I lug everything around with me on a regular basis.