Kawai MP11SE, Dexibell Vivo SX7 and iPad

Apr 26, 2019
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I want to connect a Kawai MP11SE, Dexibell Vivo SX7 sound module and an iPad Pro together.
I will be using Cubasis 2 for iOS.

The idea is to be able to access all of the sounds of the SX7 on the keyboard of the Kawai and in the DAW, and being able to hear everything through a pair of IK iLoud MTM monitor speakers at any given time.

I am not too well versed in MIDI (understatement) so I am wondering what would be the best way to proceed.
Do I use USB ? Or better to go through legacy MIDI connections ?
I have an Elektron Overhub 7-port USB hub, a Behringer Xenyx Q502USB mixer and an Apple USB3 camera connection kit.

Not really interested in the recording features of the MP11SE so I assume the 'line in' connections won't be all that useful.
Also, will I be able to use the triple pedal that comes with the MP11SE for all the sounds in the Dexibell, or will I need a separate damper pedal for that ?
I'm hoping that won't be the case.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !
Jun 25, 2010
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I haven't done a setup like this, but I believe that running the keyboard and module's USB connections into the hub, and then connecting the hub into iPad Pro (via the Apple CCK) should work. And I would expect the Kawai pedals should function fine with the module's sounds.

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